Throwback Thursday

I have so much to say today...let's start with these 3 former Presidents...Obama, Bush, and Clinton...who have volunteered to take the Covid 19 vaccine LIVE, so the country can see the effects and the NEED for it...can't believe there are skeptics, but they do exist...listen, kids, we need protection ASAP...of course, our eyes are on the UK to see how their reaction to the Pfizer product works out...

Why this necessity?...the numbers...MY GOD, the numbers...yesterday was the WORST for deaths due to the virus since it got has gone to the rampant amazes me that the current inhabitant of the White House is absolutely MUM on the topic...the most awful leader in the history of the United States of America!...despicable...deranged...the descriptions go on and on...

So what does he do, with the opportunity to help the Nation?...goes on a 45 minute rant about the fraud in the election...nary a word or compassion for HIS people that are suffering, have suffered, have died, or the people that are left behind...I'm at a loss how ANYONE can support this buffoon, and his a mere 11 days the Electoral College will put this bloke out of the country's eyes for good...finally...

However, there is the state of Georgia...where the runoff could make or break the Senate...ha ha, well at least for whom is the dominating party of that section of the's the skinny...trump is gonna bypass his Saturday golf, and fly on down to the Peach State to attend another of one of his revivals...BUT, the Republicans there...are extremely wary of his attendance!...thinking that orange is going to be there, for his personal monetary gain...and NOT to help the Senate candidates...well, the Horse days DUH!...

He has raised over $170 million bucks thus far, for his tirade about voter fraud..."help me out, we need big money to combat this", his forevers have gifted him that amount...which he can use ANY WAY HE CHOOSES!...he is in debt to some one (?) for over $400 million...right?...reminds me so much of the Jim and Tammy Faye Baker shenanigans...the PTL...the DJT...if you have given, you only have yourself to blame for this fiasco...

Let's talk money...

How do these pro franchises survive without fans?...of course, the owners have their own be in the biz, this has to be play toy for the rich...secondly, the TV gives gobs of $...but, there has to be an extreme bottom, how then, do the players get such high salaries?...millions of bucks are being signed for...seems to me, that there is a lot of speculation going on...what if?...

An example...the Brow, ah, Anthony Davis, of the Los Angeles Lakers...just signed for a five year, $190 million dollar contract with the LA franchise...ah, what?...other than trump, who needs that amount of moolah?...

Imagine HIS fixed income salary...well, another of us very old retired teachers...Snooki...his song of the day...'FM' by Steely us all some funked up static at all...geez, do you oldsters remember when FM surpassed AM? was an auricle you didn't have a WONDER BAR on your radio...'56 Olds...

It is has been said often to 'follow the money' close attention to this...more than 25 PPP (Paycheck Protection Program) loans worth more than $3.65 million dollars, were given to businesses with addresses at trump and Kushner (Jared) real estate properties...we will find out soon, the trump need for his fam and HIM to necessitate PARDONS!...ah, see yesterday's blog...

Used to be...when the guy (no lady yet) took over the presidency, they had to relinquish all personal management of there would be no conflict of interest...not so, with this bloke...he just carried on as per usual...testing the waters, yet again..."what THEY gonna do to me?" we go again, "I'll just PARDON myself"...again, see yesterday's blog...

Just a rumor, but a monolith was sighted on the 5th hole of the Mira Lago Golf Course in Miami, Florida...alas, it was not one, but a strong signal of bleach on a bloke standing on the green...

I digress...ah, what is a monolith?...


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