Unpardonable Chaos

The good, bad, and the ugly
...as promised by trump, we were to see a Chaotic Scene on January 6...'like you've never seen before'....calling out his forevers...it did happen...however, the one thing that he misjudged, the power of a MOB...uncontrollable...when it gets a churning...his numbers were there...BUT, even he, couldn't imagine the CHAOS that ensued...this I believe a truth...the storming of the Capitol...as it turns out, this shall be UNPARDONABLE!...and in it, he lost the power of his last shaky semblance of overturning his election loss...his people, the Congressional types, left him...most of them...and he was DONE!...

LOST in this, was the real reason that Congress was in session...to ceremoniously ratify the Electoral College results...Joe Biden to be President, and Kamala Harris to be Vice President...this, my good friends, is the GOOD!...and it did finally occur (3:30 am, Eastern time)...they were and are IN!...alas, we have closure...get this, trump has since (this am) said that there would be an orderly transition of power...?...really?...does that mean he concedes?...

LOST, 2...is that the state of Georgia did in fact, elect the two Democratic candidates for the Senate...Raphael Warnock and Joe Ossoff...which does make it a 50/50 number there...in the Senate...does that mean the Repubs will elect Mitch as minority leader?...who will be the majority leader?...I do know who is the tie breaker...

The bad...well, not so sure that this is bad...but, intriguing...that Lindsay Graham, abandoned his golfing pardner, donny...and said he lost...and Mitch McConnell, told us all, that the election wasn't even that close...expect many resignations today, too...as Captain Bligh is clinging on...

Got to go with intriguing...the comments in Facebook about this whole Chaos...I read with interest, albeit, some name calling coming my way, the dialogue...the comparison of the DC, to others that have happened elsewhere....listen, kids...I get that...MOBS...they get out of hand...you have your points, and I respect them...it is why, I don't choose to argue, or debate you...YOU have passion and feel strongly enough to voice it...

The ugly...somewhere down the line...there is a NEED for better security in our administration buildings...seems like we have this idea, that the protests will be just that...and not turn into unruly scenes...MOBS...guess what?...we have to accept that they will, or anticipate they will...I know, some of you may think that we may turn into a military state...however, the alternative is not good...ugly...

More ugly...the last 13 days of trump's regime...will it go quietly?...this I don't know, nor have I ever known, what the bloke would say or do...

OK, let's do this...

Guliani, the minister of madness, thought he was calling his ally, and former FB coach Tommy Tuberville,  now Alabama Senator...and left a message about the ways of delaying the Biden/Harris coronation...to object to all the states in question about rejecting their EC votes...thing is, he left the message on the phone...of another Senator and not Tommy's...this is true, and another 'Rudy'...

Snooki's song of the day...'Someday' by Robb Thomas...there is HOPE for us...

What will come of the chaos from yesterday?...it was such a terrifying time...and a blight in the eyes of the World for us...we, are vulnerable...right now...the change is needed immediately...'we all see it'...

Per usual, I have no idea what cometh next...perhaps, Pardonia?...probably...


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