Whatever Happened To _________?
We are in the path of trump's '30 days of Hell'...day 13...as he has called out his henchmen, to rouse up his forevers...to create a shit storm like the country hasn't seen, since the Civl War...let there be no doubt, this is the worst of all Presidents we have had to endure...his list of debacles are off the charts...no bigger than what the country is in, right now with the Covid 19...as he passed on to the public, that it would just 'go away!'...then, as the growth of it, took so many American lives, he did and said nothing...just golfed...couple that with his loss to Prez-elect Joe Biden...that he will not accept...good lord...and has instructed 'his' people to rise up on January 6 to battle the results out...for the final time...the surprise to me?...is that he has followers to do his dirty work...might that be some of you?...yes, I am fired up...ride him out on a rail...it just might take the military to walk in and escort the repugnant bloke out of the White House...whatever it takes...
Whatever happened to ______?
Common decency...pretty much has left a certain percentage of the American public...certainly not half...showing the lack of what we should be like...in such a difficult time of this country's history...
The judicial system...spending so much time, having to mess with the trump suits...the never ending numbers of them he threw at the courts...wasting so much money and time...to try to preserve himself...
The Constitution...as once again, just one guy has thrown a wrench into what was established when the country was founded...challenging the ways of the written word...instructing his 'staff' to disobey subpoenas...as a starter...then, as he got beat in the election, he sent out word that he would challenge the Electoral College...anything...yes, anything, to stay in power...
Telling the truth...when trump first took over office...in '16...he established a pattern that caught many of us off guard...he would not tell the truth...he would lie...why?...it started as little things...'the biggest crowd ever'...stuff like that...then mushroomed...his lack of preparation was monumental...reading, studying, listening, all none of how he dealt with things...any thing...he just reacted and made decisions on a whim...and then, lie, as to why...
All of his cabinet...the list of people he hired, then fired...is incomprehensible...as soon as the member would figure out that he new very little, and voiced his or her opinion...he or she was gone...do not question his authority...you must have 100% loyalty to the bloke...who is left?...lord, one is Jared, who has been not confirmed by anyone...other than trump...
I could do this all day...so let's go elsewhere...
Whatever happened to _______?
Valid college football bowl games...when there are teams that have sub .500 records, that are in...there is a problem...why have them?...$, of course...college and university presidents, have you no shame?...
Can't do it...
Teddy Cruz...what has happened to him?...after being subjected to the harshest ridicule that trump gave out...somehow, he supports him now...why?...what's in it for him?...10 or 12 Repub Senators are set to dispute the EC...when asked to go on the tele to give their reasoning...they declined...what is wrong with these 'elected' officials?...their time is coming...
Snooki's song of the day...'Tossin and Turnin' by Bobby Lewis...exactly what I was doing last nite...in my dreams I was teaching a class how to make and use a ruler...true...it was a Dr Pepper evening...up at 10, 2, and 4...
Finally, whatever happened to ...Captivating Katey, and Kuttles Kendall, from the Stu Martin's "Nighcap Theater'????...seems like it had another title, too...'Theatre of Golden Hits'...