The problem with the Pandemic, as we ALL know, is the lack of getting with the FAMILY...on all levels...think of the poor people with grandparents in a nursing home...that can only 'touch' through a window...hugging is a lost thing...even congregating with the family in any which, the fact that we ALL have our double dose shots...we can meet up with OUR FAMILY!...priceless...without masks...took a year, kids...which donny Q and I could never imagine...the ONLY time I ever agreed with the foo...
SDSU not only won the league, the Mountain...but the conference T...the first time in forever...did you see when they were cutting down the nets, after the win....the coach, did the final cord...and then fell back into the arms of his players...I must say, I would have never attempted such a guys, woulda dropped me for sure...and, not by accident...
And the beat went on!...the Oregon State Beavers WON the Pac 12 Conference T!...and earned a spot in the Big way cool...with this balance of teams throughout the country, they have as good a chance as any...with the exception of Gonzaga, who appear to be the elite...the rest are equal....
Beisbol...the mighty Padres are not tearing up the Cactus...not sure if that's a good thang...they have 2 weeks to kick into action...I dunno, I really don't...
JLo and ARod say they are working on things...that they may not be done...JCC...
Has Madonna ever been married?...JCC...again...
The Players T...Westwood and DeChambeau in the final pairing again!...when has that happened in recent years?...back to back T's...yea, and I am pulling for Lee...
You have your stimulus check yet?...I haven't looked...isn't it funny that many Repubs who opposed the vote, are some of the first to check their accounts to see if it's in their stash...via Facebook...
Off we go to a beach campground...right on the beach...Cosmo gets real happy there...