Calm Before The Storm

The weekend...ah yes, the the upcoming WEEK will be full of surprises...this, that, and whatever...some things I can't get into and some I can...the most obvious is the interrogation of Trump's personal attorney of 12+ years, Michael Cohen...on the Congressional floor...that you and I can judge for to his validity in what he says,  and to what degree he might divulge into the life of Trump...but RIGHT now, these 2 days of rest are needed and necessary...

Dang, we could be here<<< pictured in THAT would be a weekend...

Of course, the nite of Sunday is the Academy Awards...always an eye opener to fashion, to the winner's speeches, and the length of the entire broadcast...hmmm, I'm not sure if the party that was planned will be pulled off...the one at the Theater Box...gotta believe the $15 buck a head cost, is a stumbling block for some of my rich about irony...

So much talk about the Mueller Report...when it will be released...and, or will it ever see the light of day to the public...some have said that Mueller will release some of the collusion items early...there are those who say, that Trump will block any release of anything in it...just way too many questions...and we will just have to wait to see how this all plays out...

In the past 10 days or so, I have brought up Venezuela to my there is struggle going on with the Dictator Maduro and the populace who want him ousted...and that Russia has advised Trump and the US to stay out of it...thus far, the US has done just that...and today, a report out that the 'government' fired shots at 'the protestors'...this is a ticking time bomb...

OK, much less of importance...

The PGA has instituted new rules in the game, perhaps, to speed up play as the main reasoning...some are the time limit being reduced for searching for an errant shot in the whatever...the option to keep the flag stick IN while putting on the green, and the one that makes no sense to me whatsoever...the dropping of a ball, from knee length in lieu of shoulder length...why not just place the ball and get on with it?...and, for goodness sakes, if you must keep the 'drop' in golf, you can drop it either from the shoulder OR the knee...ridiculous...

Another of the the anchoring of the putter...the long stick that was stuck in the tummy, or by the side of the head, was banished...but, the Pros came up with another way to get around that, they anchor the putter on the inside of the arm...something doesn't seem right about that...

Just an eerie stage for tonight's hoop game...Duke at the Carrier the Blue Devils are to be with or without Zion?...and the HC of the Orange, was in a tragic accident after his last he hit and killed a pedestrian...snow, ice, and late at nite...imagine his sorrow and it makes a 'game' much less meaningful...

Bryce Harper...the word out is...if the Padres match the Phillies offer, he will be in San Diego...I think that is a long shot...but, I didn't think we were serious about signing Machado, either...

Did you see the shot that Tiger pulled off out of the bunker?...blocked by a tree, he had to improvise a whirlybird follow through that would spin the ball miraculously once it sliced and landed on the green....he did...and I have never, ever, seen ANYONE do that before...from like 150 yards or so...that's why peops like him so much...expect the unexpected...

How about this gem...Trump has asked that the Japanese leader, to nominate Donny for the Nobel Peace Prize!...shoot, why doesn't he ask Putin?...

Survivor has kicked back up again...I never tire of the plot...and the way people treat one another...on that show...ah ha, like in real life, only complaint, is that the first episode was only an hour, should have been two...


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