Tuesday Twinkies

Have you ever tried to make your own, your very own, Twinkies?...some of you must be good in the kitchen...have that baker's magic...that can turn organic flour, range free eggs and Hawaiian sugar, to marvels of the bread board...wait, the sugar doesn't come from the Islands, anymore...there is a recipe for the knock off...please, somebody, give it a whirl...take a pix...and share it with us...

Did you know that many of the Kirkland Brand items in Costco are made and produced by some very fine places?...I can tell you this little gem...that it's bottles of bourbon are actually from the famous distillers in Kentucky...the Jim Beam Co...haven't got a bottle yet, but I will and give ya'll a review...cuz the Horse likes the Beam a bit...

I can't even fathom the predicament that the young people go thru on the Bachelor and Bachelorette...standing there waiting to get picked to leave...thinking all along that she or he, is actually in lurve...when the dude meets the gals' papas, they threaten to do harm to the lad, if he abuses their daughters...hurts them in any way...so much for the 'fantasy suite'...

Groundswell...that is what it takes...to get change in the gun laws...youth speaking up...banding together throughout the nation in rebelling...revelations to the amounts of money that the Congressionals get from the NRA...people blogging...working hard to elect politicians who will alter the laws...in the upcoming mid-terms...listen people, keep right on a chugging along...

Fergie apologized for her rendition of the National Anthem...saying that she tried her best...and she was off a little...I believe her and now, let's move on...unfortunately for her, it will be played way too often...

Jennifer Lawrence is taking a year off of film making...to get into politics...to do what she can to right the ship...that is, if it is off kilter...I am impressed...more doing than talking...

A Washington Post-ABC Survey says that our Prez and the Congress by a whopping 77%, are not doing nearly enough on gun control...are they listening?...or just calling it fake surveying...

Blac Chyna made a sex tape...hey, she is the former gal friend of the Kardashian boy...apparently, it is not he...anyway, she is getting the police involved...as she doesn't want it out...or leaked...or I don't know...

There is a lot of hubbub in the collegiate hoops world on the kid from Oklahoma...T Young...comparing him to S Curry...wait a minute, sports guys...it's a long way from him to reality...in an interview he was complaining that the opposition was guarding him too tight...what?...or double teaming him...what?...

Watched the Duck gals play host to the UCLA Bruins last eve...fun game...as UO won in OT...and have a real shot at the Pac 12 Crown...looked like the gym was near capacity!...my, how that sport has gained momentum and interest...5 stars...

Mitt Romney must be moving back to Utah...and running for their senate seat...isn't he living in LaJolla, just a 20 minute jaunt from here?...I guess not...reminds me of when Hillary ran for the spot from NY...whatever it takes...

So...get this...Marsh got fired up reading the blog today...and says she can make them Twinkies...yes sir...yes ma'am...this is gonna be a very fine day...

Your best information on the web net since September of '08...

BTW, it is mid 70's in the north eastern part of this country...what?...48* here in sunny SoCal...what is going on?


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