Vehicular Manslaughter
I'm not sure there are words to describe what the SCUM of the earth has figured to kill innocent people...this time in Barcelona, Spain...using a van type of smash into pedestrians at will...kill as many as possible...look, they never attack an's the common man, woman, or child...the attackers, are the worst form of humanity...who would 'order' such a thing?...
How did something like this emerge? can't be from a religion...can it?...listen, there are no words to describe the atrocities...and...because these scum, hide wherever they's hard to get at them...they must have an odious form of living....and...dang, cuz of technology...they are able to get their word out to their evil followers...just a waste of human life...
So, the world plays defense...trying to combat the next line of insidious attacks that these scum think up...keep working...keep working...THIS is what we and the rest of the nations must do...yes...have you other thoughts?...
Here's a thought...let's do the reverse mode of finding the perpetrators...via the out all lines of their communication...their websites...and destroy them wherever and whenever they pop up...beep wherever the memo comes from...and immediately attack the source...are we doing that now?...ah hem, who are we?...I hope it's the rest of the world...
The rest of what I talk about...
How you doing on the 'statue issue?'...trending for most everyone, everywhere, to take down any monument, er statue...that has anything to do with the a Native, as I wrote yesterday...shoot, we need to take down ALL monuments...just about...these 'heroes' were the ones that tried to obliterate the 'injuns'...geez, the Mayor of San Diego had a big hoopdedoo, with the he orchestrated a removal of a 12" square plaque 'honoring' Jefferson Davis in the Horton Plaza...just doing his part...for every pixel channel in SD...blah blah blah...
Beisbol...I kind of glossed over the fact that MLB has blokes hitting more home runs than ever...yup, I have talked about it a bunch...usually, sarcastically...sorry, kind of...but man, you Yankee lurvers...the stat that your star, Aaron Judge, is on line to whup...NOT hitting the unbelievable...K'ing in 34 straight games...what?...and yesterday, against the hated Mets, he struck out 3 more times....I guess it is worth that, as long as he occasionally hits a dinger...really?...
I have to say's been bugging me for quite a uniforms...for the Bums, Yanks, Cubs of the league....there are little if any changes about...for some of the others, it's a pick and choose for what they dress up as...our locals, the Padres, just try and figure out what we are going to brown...then camouflage...brown, then blue...then we show up in we have a go to?...I think, the worst of all?...whatever the Arizona Diamondbacks wear... hands down, the ugliest uni in the HISTORY of the game...
You ready for some SOLHEIM CUP action?...gals play day...USA vs Europe...this is golf, case you are under a rock...on the Golf Channel...
In the works...the infamous Coronado Bridge...which links the San Diego mainland to the Island of Coronado...BTW, you ever been there?...totally different world...anyway, it is to be LIT UP at night...shall be a wondrous spectacle...just another...beautiful (to be) part of this city...
The night of nights...we are heading over for a game at Petco the Pads face the Nat's Scherzer (gulp)...and, of course, we are not favored...interestingly, we were against the Phillies...them bookies sure know stuff...I always take a peak at the line...
Do I have a song for you today...yes!...'Summertime' by Janis Joplin...
How did something like this emerge? can't be from a religion...can it?...listen, there are no words to describe the atrocities...and...because these scum, hide wherever they's hard to get at them...they must have an odious form of living....and...dang, cuz of technology...they are able to get their word out to their evil followers...just a waste of human life...
So, the world plays defense...trying to combat the next line of insidious attacks that these scum think up...keep working...keep working...THIS is what we and the rest of the nations must do...yes...have you other thoughts?...
Here's a thought...let's do the reverse mode of finding the perpetrators...via the out all lines of their communication...their websites...and destroy them wherever and whenever they pop up...beep wherever the memo comes from...and immediately attack the source...are we doing that now?...ah hem, who are we?...I hope it's the rest of the world...
The rest of what I talk about...
How you doing on the 'statue issue?'...trending for most everyone, everywhere, to take down any monument, er statue...that has anything to do with the a Native, as I wrote yesterday...shoot, we need to take down ALL monuments...just about...these 'heroes' were the ones that tried to obliterate the 'injuns'...geez, the Mayor of San Diego had a big hoopdedoo, with the he orchestrated a removal of a 12" square plaque 'honoring' Jefferson Davis in the Horton Plaza...just doing his part...for every pixel channel in SD...blah blah blah...
Beisbol...I kind of glossed over the fact that MLB has blokes hitting more home runs than ever...yup, I have talked about it a bunch...usually, sarcastically...sorry, kind of...but man, you Yankee lurvers...the stat that your star, Aaron Judge, is on line to whup...NOT hitting the unbelievable...K'ing in 34 straight games...what?...and yesterday, against the hated Mets, he struck out 3 more times....I guess it is worth that, as long as he occasionally hits a dinger...really?...
I have to say's been bugging me for quite a uniforms...for the Bums, Yanks, Cubs of the league....there are little if any changes about...for some of the others, it's a pick and choose for what they dress up as...our locals, the Padres, just try and figure out what we are going to brown...then camouflage...brown, then blue...then we show up in we have a go to?...I think, the worst of all?...whatever the Arizona Diamondbacks wear... hands down, the ugliest uni in the HISTORY of the game...
You ready for some SOLHEIM CUP action?...gals play day...USA vs Europe...this is golf, case you are under a rock...on the Golf Channel...
In the works...the infamous Coronado Bridge...which links the San Diego mainland to the Island of Coronado...BTW, you ever been there?...totally different world...anyway, it is to be LIT UP at night...shall be a wondrous spectacle...just another...beautiful (to be) part of this city...
The night of nights...we are heading over for a game at Petco the Pads face the Nat's Scherzer (gulp)...and, of course, we are not favored...interestingly, we were against the Phillies...them bookies sure know stuff...I always take a peak at the line...
Do I have a song for you today...yes!...'Summertime' by Janis Joplin...