
Morning kids, just had my annual physical...eegads, they took out 4 vials of me blood...isn't that a lot?...oh well, so far so good...I was poked and prodded and out I went...

This Ebola stuff is real the spread of the disease is disastrous...

The bloody stock market is in a real dilemma ...big drops....after a big rise...go figure...

I still like the iPhone 6's bigger...yet, I love the battery life...never get lower than 64% in a full days use...I got the 64GB and have loaded mucho music on it to boot...

The Supreme Court Judge Kennedy...hmmm...the love of the conservative world...he's the deciding vote on many issues...

Went to a dog people gathering last eve at the top of one of them big time hotels...took Sammi...who seemed as bored as I....

These sports pundits are lost on the equality of the D-1 football...nobody believes that either one of them Mississippi schools will last, i.e. me...every week will be a test...

OK, who you got going to the World Series?...Balt or KC, versus St L or SF?...CH says Balt and SF...I know nothing...

I added Oliver to my FF team and got him in my lineup this week...will be the best move or worst of the season for me...time well tell...

Another party at the HDQRTS this eve...hope there are eats there...

Downloaded the latest upgrade to my Mac...and see no what the heck?...

John Rocker be doomed and was voted OFF...ha ha...Survivor...

Did you know if you fast, you can have black coffee in lieu of water?...not me...

Talk at you later...


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