Good bye Nuggets

I am happy to tell you that the Lakers disposed of the Nuggets last night at Denver...and off they go to the finals to meet ----? The press would love to have a Cavs/Lakers final. I was golfing with the Dude yesterday and he suggested that the NBA sure seems fixed to him...let's see what happens now the Cavs are down 3-2...the Dude is just saying...
Let's see...the Rockies fire their manager earlier in the day...the Padres come to town...the oh so hot Pads go scoreless...Kooz makes his 1st error that leads to 2 runs...he goes hitless as the Rockies walk AGonzo 3 times to get to Kooz...a Colorado recipe for success...interesting as two managers have been fired in the MLB west thus far...
Speaking of getting fired, Jay Leno had his last Tonight Show...and his featured guest was his replacement Conan O' uncomfortable show as Conan did all the talking...
Talk about weird, I played golf in drizzle yesterday in Escondido and it was 88* in Oregon ...
Back to the Nuggets...Carmelo Anthony plays absolutely NO DEFENSE, so quit talking about him as a superstar...
And here is my All-Fluff players of the year in the NBA...the players who get the most kudos for the least effort...of course Anthony...and AI and Rasheed from the Pistons...and Baron Davis and ZRandolph from the Clips...Kooz, wait wrong sport...and coach...tie between Dunleavy from the Clips and the former team manager masquerading as the coach from the Nets...close but no cigar for Avery Johnson, once disguised as the Spurs coach and now disguised as a NBA TV analyst...and Vince Carter of the Nets...for being Carmelo's act-a-like brother...
The Aztecs got beat yesterday in the opening round of the D-1 baseball playoffs...and it was Strasburg who took his 1st loss of the year...he did have 15 K's...but got no run support (sound familiar?)...
Lot's of talk about closing down Hollywood Park...moving some of the dates to Del Mar...well, if it's up to the Governor, that piece of parcel could be sold....the Terminator!


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