Wild Fire
The lowlight...of the extended week, is the onslaught of the killings...the mass shootings...as we duck and cover...what on earth is going on?...the one thing that all these horrific happenings have in common?.. the rapid fire assault rifle...again and again and again...think when the Constitution was written, they thought that people just have single fire muskets, to protect themselves...or hunt for food...they had no idea, that the machine gun weaponry was even a possibility...so, Congress, figure it out...it is time to adjust that archaic thinking...you can do it, you really can...swallow the money pill that the NRA gives you...do the RIGHT thing...c'mon, you can do it...
The Friars are streaking...well, we have won 2 in a row...geez, you have to win 2 to get to 3...the bats have come alive...now, the relief pitchers are still awful, but even THEY, can't give up 8-10 runs...one more tonight vs the Angels...is this what we have been waiting for?...
I must have a crystal ball...or, a bit of Carnac...but I foresee an indictment real soon on trump, for the attempted coup...within 2 weeks...perhaps sooner...
Can you figure out the Putin war?...who is doing what, and who is telling the truth?...simply, Putin, much like his stable mate donny, never ever tells the honest truth...the bits and pieces of the military that he has run down to Ukraine, is a scary proposition for his 'brave forces'...under prepared, 2 weeks of training in some cases, the draft soldiers, the fact is...he is vulnerable...
Yesterday was the earth's hottest day EVER!...ah, still question the global warming theory?...
I'd love to hear the scientists REAL thinking about...why the sharks are in so close to the shoreline...the ocean is beautiful, but...it appears to be THEIR domain, not ours...or why, the alligators are chomping at whatever gets close to the lakes and rivers...something's happening...food source?...
My endless amount of sources may have jumped the gun on the oh so popular duo of THBH, Mauricio and Kyle...their pending split...now, this is the time...that some of you say, 'who?'...
I shall be back at my regular time in the am, maƱana...enjoy the sun...