Misuse of Power
Morning, kids...I bet you may be thinking I am going to write about the current Prez...with the headline being 'Misuse of Power'...but no, I am going to take you back...to another one...that did so...and resigned the office...Richard Nixon...
MSNBC ran a show on this...originally aired 5 years ago...Watergate...a 1970's blight on the power that existed in our country by the highest elected official we had...an unforgettable look at it, with the awesome flick 'All The President's Men'...starring Dustin Hoffman and Robert Redford...as they portrayed the writers, like late 20 year old journalists...Carl Bernstein and Robert Woodward...
As they unraveled a plot by the Republicans on the Democrats...in specific, tied to the Prez...a covert action to get at files of the Demos...were caught...and the rest of the story...was the connection that that led to the President, NIXON...the actual break in was at the Watergate Hotel, in DC...the enormity of it all...the drama of the questioning...was carried on LIVE TV...as the Congressional Investigation Committee was picking apart the 'Men of the White House'...
This show went back...interviewed many that were involved...both in the coverup and in the investigation...and gave us all a glimpse of what was going on...the amazing thing...after Nixon resigned in disgrace...he still thought he had done nothing wrong...'the President can do no wrong'...that he left office, because the Republicans had abandoned him...
Yes, we are going to watch the flick again...and YOU probably will, too...BTW, is history repeating itself?...have the Republicans abandoned the current one?...
The dumbfounding Padres...had a game in their (our) grasp...and for the 3rd out of 4 times, our closer BLEW the save...his mystique is falling apart...well now...part of this gets to go to Manager Green...as he intentionally walked the WINNING RUN...to avoid pitching to the Giant's slugger, C Buster Posey...who came running home to win the game...here's my beef...he is one slow dude...pitch to him, cuz he is a prime candidate for a double play....last and deservedly so...
Bubba!...came from nowhere and won the T at the Travelers...I think his 3rd time there...horses for courses...as the leader, Paul Casey, fell apart during the final round...hitting it into the agua in critical times...Bubba Watson...made up NINE strokes on Casey...wooah....
Speaking of water...I think we take it for granted that we have safe drinking water...my friends in Salem Oregon are witnessing what happens when it is not...algae gets into the system and makes it undrinkable...I read an article out of the Eugene paper, discussing the same sort of thing that is happening in Provo, Utah...it is called algal bloom...remember the bloke that we were listening to yesterday at breakfast?...he retired as a water guy that dealt EXACTLY with this problem...said that they dealt with it, by covering their holding area...imagine covering Detroit Lake?...Florida has been dealing with this, too...for some time...
Going to far...er, far?...when someone in the spotlight gets booted or harassed out of a restaurant...the latest, is Sarah Huckabee Parker...got the heave ho...listen, we all have our jobs to do...and...hers may be the toughest one of them all...but to deny her the right to eat, is ridiculous...hmmm, next thing you know, there will be special restaurants for 'Republicans Only'...ironic?...
The end is near...Toys R Us...will close ALL stores by this upcoming Friday, throughout the land...man, I can still recall me son scouring thru their Christmas Catalog...in hopes that Saint Nick will grant him his wish...they gone...
The Stock Market opened today with a huge grunt...I will never figure that damn thing out...and don't tell me that you can...
Am I the only one that is questioning the latest out of the White House?...well, I am actually afraid of this...the rumor is that POTUS is not connecting with HIS Defense Secretary, James Mattis...Trump doesn't see 'eye to eye' with the Mad Dog...so says a high up WH spokesperson...count me as one who doesn't trust what the 'leader' is doing...
It appears that I started with the 'misuse of power' and ended my blog with it, too...
MSNBC ran a show on this...originally aired 5 years ago...Watergate...a 1970's blight on the power that existed in our country by the highest elected official we had...an unforgettable look at it, with the awesome flick 'All The President's Men'...starring Dustin Hoffman and Robert Redford...as they portrayed the writers, like late 20 year old journalists...Carl Bernstein and Robert Woodward...
As they unraveled a plot by the Republicans on the Democrats...in specific, tied to the Prez...a covert action to get at files of the Demos...were caught...and the rest of the story...was the connection that that led to the President, NIXON...the actual break in was at the Watergate Hotel, in DC...the enormity of it all...the drama of the questioning...was carried on LIVE TV...as the Congressional Investigation Committee was picking apart the 'Men of the White House'...
This show went back...interviewed many that were involved...both in the coverup and in the investigation...and gave us all a glimpse of what was going on...the amazing thing...after Nixon resigned in disgrace...he still thought he had done nothing wrong...'the President can do no wrong'...that he left office, because the Republicans had abandoned him...
Yes, we are going to watch the flick again...and YOU probably will, too...BTW, is history repeating itself?...have the Republicans abandoned the current one?...
The dumbfounding Padres...had a game in their (our) grasp...and for the 3rd out of 4 times, our closer BLEW the save...his mystique is falling apart...well now...part of this gets to go to Manager Green...as he intentionally walked the WINNING RUN...to avoid pitching to the Giant's slugger, C Buster Posey...who came running home to win the game...here's my beef...he is one slow dude...pitch to him, cuz he is a prime candidate for a double play....last and deservedly so...
Bubba!...came from nowhere and won the T at the Travelers...I think his 3rd time there...horses for courses...as the leader, Paul Casey, fell apart during the final round...hitting it into the agua in critical times...Bubba Watson...made up NINE strokes on Casey...wooah....
Speaking of water...I think we take it for granted that we have safe drinking water...my friends in Salem Oregon are witnessing what happens when it is not...algae gets into the system and makes it undrinkable...I read an article out of the Eugene paper, discussing the same sort of thing that is happening in Provo, Utah...it is called algal bloom...remember the bloke that we were listening to yesterday at breakfast?...he retired as a water guy that dealt EXACTLY with this problem...said that they dealt with it, by covering their holding area...imagine covering Detroit Lake?...Florida has been dealing with this, too...for some time...
Going to far...er, far?...when someone in the spotlight gets booted or harassed out of a restaurant...the latest, is Sarah Huckabee Parker...got the heave ho...listen, we all have our jobs to do...and...hers may be the toughest one of them all...but to deny her the right to eat, is ridiculous...hmmm, next thing you know, there will be special restaurants for 'Republicans Only'...ironic?...
The end is near...Toys R Us...will close ALL stores by this upcoming Friday, throughout the land...man, I can still recall me son scouring thru their Christmas Catalog...in hopes that Saint Nick will grant him his wish...they gone...
The Stock Market opened today with a huge grunt...I will never figure that damn thing out...and don't tell me that you can...
Am I the only one that is questioning the latest out of the White House?...well, I am actually afraid of this...the rumor is that POTUS is not connecting with HIS Defense Secretary, James Mattis...Trump doesn't see 'eye to eye' with the Mad Dog...so says a high up WH spokesperson...count me as one who doesn't trust what the 'leader' is doing...
It appears that I started with the 'misuse of power' and ended my blog with it, too...