The Anomalies

So you want to have a name thrown at ya...try this one on for size...a transplanted Fallbrook residing in South Carolina...joined us for breakfast this morning...well, we didn't have a choice...he was there, and we were going to listen to him...unlike many people, he DID ask about us...and was flabbergasted!...that we were THE ones that he had heard of to move from Orygun to SoCal...he tickled himself and ended his conversation like this...'I am going to tell my wife that I met the Anomalies, from Oregon!' see, most of the movement goes the other direction, Cali to Oregon...whatever...

The Beach Boys were great...again...missing were the extra dudes that sometimes accompany the band...made no difference, as they rocked and rolled and the people did too...the venue was outdoors...actually in an enclosed area, like a was sold out and there came a casino was severely undermanned and unprepared for the numbers that the group brought...couldn't get served even AFTER seated...

Fallbrook is out there, kids...if you want to be out of the city lights, then this town is for you...closes up at 9....even on a Saturday nite!...thus, we didn't get food at the casino or in the town...and there you go, the hitch in the giddy cannot always be perfect...

The hotel (motel) we stayed at, and there are not many, if any, close to the Pala Casino (the hotel there was sold out)...was a guess at best....boasted of a swimming pool and hot tub...well, the minature pool was not heated and the hot tub was busted...offered a breakfast, gratis, in the am...have you eaten eggs or a waffle with a spoon or knife? they had NO Injun jokes here, please...

And that was we bolted to get get some real food, take a nice warm shower...and be...NORMAL...well, as anomaly as we can be...


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