Monster Mash
I was working in the lab, late one nite
When my eyes beheld an eerie sight
Morning's Halloween!...such a magical day...well, sort me, it's the real turn of the know, like back to the low 70's...there's a chill in the to find me a KNOW, that type of change...
Breaking news out of the middle east...a Russian plane went down shortly after takeoff...bound to St Petersburg...from a Red Sea Resort of Sharm el-Sheikh in the Sinai...all aboard...dead...224 something...tragedy...and to think, just a month or so back, the kids were there doing the same type of flight...stay outta there...'re familiar with this, right?...Leah Remini...the pseudo star was on ABC's 20/20...gave her version of it....and how she and her fam dropped out of the "religion?"...bizarre...not so sure I'm totally believing what she said...something doesn't seem right...
We are going to hang down at the street carnival tonight...dress up and be part of the melee...ha ha...I have an idea, that I haven't thrown by Marsh yet...Sonny and Cher...calm down, I'd be Sonny...gonna join them Mackles for some cold ones and some munchies...sound like fun?...
For my monster from his slab, began to rise
And suddenly to my surprise
WS...the Mets held court...banged out a bunch of hits and got their W at home in NJ, er, NY, or wherever they are playing the game...this is destined to go you know...I don't care...
Geez, I got more bad news...turn away, I'm hideous...Tiger Woods...has had MORE surgery on his back...he's prob through with the game he dominated so...figures it will be at least a year before he'll try it again...the boyz were discussing if he or Lefty would make a good captain of the Ryder Cup....they said no...I say yes...cuz I'm always the "other guy"...
Kind of a good day for viewing all the costumes that the hosts wear for Halloween...they all do it...yesterday...seems like all the broadcasts had someone dressed as the Donald...there were some KK things, but that's old hat...the worst?...the host from the Chew as Taylor Swift...the best?...a panelist from Around The Horn as the host, Toni Reali...hilarious...
One of my fellow coaching buddies...who will remain nameless...sent me a note...totally agreeing with me about the DC of the Ducks...sensitive to all coaching changes, being a former one himself...he felt that enough is enough...duh...
He did the mash, he did the monster mash
The monster mash, it was a graveyard smash
Taylor Swift is being sued for ripping off a song..."Shake it off"...I listened to the accuser's song...hmm...don't get it...maybe I'm tuneless...but, I don't see or hear it...
Breeder's Cup...the best in the horse year?...right here in Delmar....yup...anyway...there were 4 yesterday and the rest today....I hit 2 of the 4 races...
Here's the 1st time I've gone here on this...the Repub that is going to make the biggest move up the charts?...Ted Cruz...not sure how far...but watch his numbers, kids... have to like the way the GS Warriors play the game...all out effort...and the MVP Curry is magical...
He did the mash, it caught on in a flash
He did the mash, he did the mash
When my eyes beheld an eerie sight
Morning's Halloween!...such a magical day...well, sort me, it's the real turn of the know, like back to the low 70's...there's a chill in the to find me a KNOW, that type of change...
Breaking news out of the middle east...a Russian plane went down shortly after takeoff...bound to St Petersburg...from a Red Sea Resort of Sharm el-Sheikh in the Sinai...all aboard...dead...224 something...tragedy...and to think, just a month or so back, the kids were there doing the same type of flight...stay outta there...'re familiar with this, right?...Leah Remini...the pseudo star was on ABC's 20/20...gave her version of it....and how she and her fam dropped out of the "religion?"...bizarre...not so sure I'm totally believing what she said...something doesn't seem right...
We are going to hang down at the street carnival tonight...dress up and be part of the melee...ha ha...I have an idea, that I haven't thrown by Marsh yet...Sonny and Cher...calm down, I'd be Sonny...gonna join them Mackles for some cold ones and some munchies...sound like fun?...
For my monster from his slab, began to rise
And suddenly to my surprise
WS...the Mets held court...banged out a bunch of hits and got their W at home in NJ, er, NY, or wherever they are playing the game...this is destined to go you know...I don't care...
Geez, I got more bad news...turn away, I'm hideous...Tiger Woods...has had MORE surgery on his back...he's prob through with the game he dominated so...figures it will be at least a year before he'll try it again...the boyz were discussing if he or Lefty would make a good captain of the Ryder Cup....they said no...I say yes...cuz I'm always the "other guy"...
Kind of a good day for viewing all the costumes that the hosts wear for Halloween...they all do it...yesterday...seems like all the broadcasts had someone dressed as the Donald...there were some KK things, but that's old hat...the worst?...the host from the Chew as Taylor Swift...the best?...a panelist from Around The Horn as the host, Toni Reali...hilarious...
One of my fellow coaching buddies...who will remain nameless...sent me a note...totally agreeing with me about the DC of the Ducks...sensitive to all coaching changes, being a former one himself...he felt that enough is enough...duh...
He did the mash, he did the monster mash
The monster mash, it was a graveyard smash
Taylor Swift is being sued for ripping off a song..."Shake it off"...I listened to the accuser's song...hmm...don't get it...maybe I'm tuneless...but, I don't see or hear it...
Breeder's Cup...the best in the horse year?...right here in Delmar....yup...anyway...there were 4 yesterday and the rest today....I hit 2 of the 4 races...
Here's the 1st time I've gone here on this...the Repub that is going to make the biggest move up the charts?...Ted Cruz...not sure how far...but watch his numbers, kids... have to like the way the GS Warriors play the game...all out effort...and the MVP Curry is magical...
He did the mash, it caught on in a flash
He did the mash, he did the mash