So Much To Say

There is so much fodder on this special Thursday...well, it's OPENING DAY, part two...out at Del was yesterday that got me a going...imagine this, CH watching a debate in lieu of a World Series game...

Calm down kids...I'm not much interested in the games...I am in the politics...and had been looking forward so much to this the battle for the top spot in the Repubs has been swaying back and forth between Ben and the Donald...and I had high expectations that Trump would attack Carson...hmmm, not so...

Turns out, since CNBC held the was a DISASTER!...and the moderators were in their own attack mode...with belligerent questioning that had me aghast...and I'm from the other side! of the candy men ripping on one another, they ripped the questioners...dang...and the Prez wannabes almost seemed like on a love fest...

Who won it?...tuff thing is for sure, Ben did not...his charisma is on the lower end of the scale...Christie had a good nite...and gasp, so did Ted ( not his REAL name) Cruz...Huff Post's declared winner was Rubio...???...he spent most of his time defending about the Donald?...average...and his stance on gun control, I think is to arm everyone...Jeb needs to drop out...a lost cause...Carly didn't answer any of the Q's, but piped out her prepared speeches without any tangency...the rest had no impact on CH...I dunno...let's look at them polls today...

Reality games...I got to hit the links...get there and realized that it's cart path only...they had just done the fairways and recently plugged the greens...egads...that means that even though I am a riding, I am still doing a whole gaggle of walking...unless, I can hit my shots close to the path...fat chance...if I could hit it where I wanted, I'd be a good player...anyway...go figure...I drove it well...putted real well...and shot an 82...pinch low score out there for a year, I legs are tighter than a drum this's been so long, I can't remember my GHIN number...oh my...

NBA...the rest of the teams started up...I got to see a bit of a lot of thing is clear...that like in most sport, there are trends...that everyone uses...the one that gets me?...the lack of hedging...which is the doubling of the pick and, PDX fans, your team is in the norm...

The Clips...are the Truth (Paul Pierce) will help them immensely...they finally have a go to guy...PDX swamped the comment...the Knicks had a huge game...and...the Lake Show blew a lead and lost to the TWolves, who, are a much better squad...and sadly, Kobe, is a far cry from where he was prior to the achilles thinger...father time...

WS...did not watch a pitch last night...not one...but did see that KC held serve and goes up two...with NY's turn coming up...boooring...sorry Shink, but it's true...

"I have a tax plan"...go to my website..."the country is all messed up because of Hillary and Obama"...go to my website..."fantasy football should not be regulated, wait, maybe it should"...go to my website...(that was REALLY a question)...someone told Chris Christie that if you look right into the camera's lens, you would appear more genuine...."I will build that wall, and Mexico will pay for it" Donald and why?...just some tidbits...

Beisbol...rumors...the Nats are said to be hiring Buddy Black as their manager...and the Marlins are doing the same with Don Mattingly...each fired from their west coast gigs...and are retreading over on the other coast...hmmm...a lot of people are wondering about the lack of diversity in the upper echelon of MLB...are you?...look for the Twin's old manager Ron the HIRE for the Pads...did I say retreading?...

OK, I have been practicing my ukulele...4 chords...Uncle Raggy says most of the rock songs were made from those...C, A minor, F, and G seven...I'm getting my kicks from him on You Tube...give me 6 months...the singing part may take a year..."Shake it up baby, twist and shout"...

You want more?...the Ducks visit the valley of the sun...good planning, as I see the PNW is full of the wet stuff...and are 2 1/2 point dogs to the Sun Devils...what a name...wonder if the coaching staff is sharing the duties of the DC...let's hope...if not, expect a very frustrating game to watch...UO fans...

Yup, I am up early...have yet to buy the Racing my pix and head on out to the my crystal ball, I foresee a mint julep on the horizon...


Barb said…
Good luck at the track... take care of the legs...we have our bikes & clubs in tow...see you kids mid November!!
Barb said…
Good luck at the track... take care of the legs...we have our bikes & clubs in tow...see you kids mid November!!

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