Nasal Strips

comes this out of their racing board does NOT ALLOW nasal strips on horses....what?...but they allow Bute and other drugs to help them from stop bleeding...what?...could be the end of the run for the Triple California Chrome wears come on...let's get real...pictured is the legendary NY Giant football star, Michael Strahan, when he played in the NFL...WITH a nose strip on...does that mean the state should ban these on all sport's animals? humans, too...what a piece of crap...I wear one at night to help me stop, well, you know...for the good of all...
Amazing Race...OK, now...the father/son duo my pick?...came in 3rd...I hated them they were the pair from Big the gal was the most loathsome of all in the production...interesting, as the rest of the pairs thought that same thing...
Tried to watch the American Music Awards...hmmm...we are so out of we knew a few of the singers, er, acts....and some were perfectly awful...Lorde?...oh my...turrible...and how in the world can one of the K fam be a presenter?...and she botched up what she had to do...READ the teleprompter...she is home schooled, right?...oh my...Miranda Lambert and Carrie's song was just so so...the MJ reincarnate production was kind of cool and creepy at the same time...let's just agree to say, that there is a major lull in the quality of music now...
Sports...the Pads lost in OT...and just may have lost their only power hitter, Quentin, yet again...very brittle bloke...the Pacers beat the Heat in game 1...what?...nobody saw that coming...another unknown won in the PGA tour, Brandon Todd...who?...for all of us cigar smoking pseudo golfers, Miguel Angel Jiminez, won the Spanish Open in OT...
DWTS...the finality...there are more injuries in this show than in all of baseball...well... just seems like it...this time, one of them pro blokes went down...tonight is the night...we are on our tippietoes, waiting for the results from the doctors...can he go...or is he out?...high drama...
And...the Bachelorette starts up this Ms. Dorfman (really?) gets to be the picker and fall in love in 2 months or so...and...we will watch...well, I will...
Round 3 for finding the perfect mattress...went out to La Jolla to a Sleep Number this point leads the possible choices...split king...with adjustable back and feet...and firmness...hmmm....
5/17/14...have to get out and practice some's been awhile...