Winter Wonderland

There are so many Christmas songs sung by Johnny Mathis, that are near classics...I think I have 4 albums of his that are solely Christmas...yes, vinyls, kids...he is still a master at this genre...we have seen him twice in concert, for the Holidays...he mixes in his Hits with the Xmas is truly one of the best nights of all...'Winter Wonderland' is one of those...shoot, you could choose at least a dozen more...

'Sleigh bells ring, are you listening?  In the lane, snow is glistening. A beautiful sight, we're happy tonight. Walking in a winter wonderland'....

Pivoting...just how much more evidence does it take for the masses of humanity, that back realize he isn't what they think he is...newly released tapes of him trying to coerce Michigan to change their '20 just seems to pile up and then...mound up...and for goodness sakes, stinks to high heaven...

Rudy borrow from someone else...'from 9/11 to Chapter 11'...and that word borrow, well, we shall see if he is able to pull that off,'d think with all the forevers, he could find at least one that would bank him some cash...yes, of course, he filed for bankruptcy after his loss in the courts...can't pay up, if you ain't got the lawyer buffs out there, can't he be stuck in the pokey if he doesn't come up with the $?...

A senseless mass shooting in the Prague...14 dead and I a university...we must value life better than we do right now...

So I ventured into BevMo yesterday....with a notion to get some Jim Beam for the know, to serve our guests...seeings Costco had run out of it...and I noticed a couple of blokes...young, well younger than moi....analyzing the vodka...really eyeballing the different the Horse's mind, they all tasted the same...just like my take on Mexican bourbon? many choices that are ALL different...

I was awakened to what I worried was a bomb going off in the, was it loud...turned out to be a walloping THUNDER!...shortly thereafter, lightning racing across the skies...must have only been one BOOM, as I promptly fell back to sleep...not the norm for us in Diego...

NBA...the Detroit Pistons have now lost 25 in a row...some times, you just don't have it...I had one that lost 21 in a row...tried everything...great kids, good at other sports, but did not have that ONE stud to finish off a game...I know what that coach is going question everything about yourself...we rebounded the next year just fine...but, that one season...oh my...

One of my 'passions' is to listen to the pundits on ESPN in the afternoon about the NFL...experts?...and they happen to land on the Miami Dolphins and the Dallas Cowboys for their inconsistencies...Miami, cuz they beat all the people they should beat, and lose to the rest...and that Dallas can't win on the road, but are unbeaten at home...listen, prepare and do your best...makes no diff, on the road or not, for the pros...witness the playoffs...and the fact that Miami has trouble with the better teams, is on a one game at a time the end...or in conclusion...the Horse thinks that the Dolphins are solid...and the Cowboys are chokers...

To end today...I must tell you the latest John Grisham book (The Exchange), is sensational...can't put it down...the story line is riveting...and I can see a flick coming out of this...that good, that I put my Rachel Maddow down...for a bit...two different paths...

FORGOT THIS!...last nite's Uber drive...the driver had a baseball bat in the front seat, where I was seated...ah, must have been a Boy Scout...'Be Prepared!'...


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