There was a report out yesterday, that the state of Cali shrunk some 182,000 this past year...what was this?...'Go west young man!'...a thing of the past?...well, perhaps, go northwest...the reasoning?...taxes, for the most part...we do pay our fair share, and more...I confess...much more than donny q does, that's for sure...which got the Horse thinking...what is the US population?
As of 2020 (duh, last year, you heathens) the number was estimated at 331, 002, 651...when do you ever find an estimate that is down to one?...which also is, 4.25% of the total world population...a true estimate of 7.9 billion peops inhabit this earth...according to MacroTrends, our (USA) growth for this year will be 0.58%, up to 332,915, 073...ah, another crazy estimation...you see the former Cali peops aren't leaving the USA, just finding a cheaper place to call home...
Naturally, we want to know the ethnic breakdown of the pop'YOU-lation...White-60.1%...Hispanic-18.5%...Black-13.4%...Asian-5.9%...Indigenous-1.3%...hmmm, and these are set to change this year...furthermore...get this...the median price of owning your own property (housing) is at $217, 500!...
And yet, there are those out there, that try to find ways to restrict voting...ah, I don't wanna go there right now...let's just say we are at a crossroads, and it's not getting much better....the MINORITY Repubs still are looking to trump for leadership...which says a whole lot about their intelligence...stop that Horse...
The mighty Padres are in the Bay Area...and got beat by them Giants...5-4...game one goes to the home team...we scored 4, which is a new record for the week...I kid...well, not really...
Had my best round in quite a long time yesterday...78...2 birdies...sweet chirping helped...but, as I am rolling out to my beetle, my left achilles was a hurting...have no idea how, when, or why...it just is...damn...
Srixon has a new golf ball...red on half, and yellow on the other...I'm sure you heathens are already naming it something extremely racist...wonder how it putts?...talking the sphere look...I am intrigued...kinda looks like a fishing lure...
Staying in golf at Quail Hollow in North Carolina...Lefty fell back into the pack...as most pundits felt he would...I see that Rory is climbing...about his time to get into the picture again...he is too good to stay in the middle...and, continuing his ongoing miserable play, Rickie Fowler, missed the cut...and is spiraling down to the bottom...weird...
In the NBA, the Blazers beat the Lakers...hmmm, the light isn't too bright right now in LaLa Land...too bad...when your two top players are gimpy and getting old (for hoops) it's a sign...
The BEST album of the day...'Aftermath' by The Rolling Stones...had like 5 hits on it...none better than the ultra cool 'Under My Thumb'...even tho I had lots of trouble trying to figure out what Mick was singing in most of his songs...he talked and sang funny....and for the most part, I had no idea what the message was...
I watch a lot of the sports pundits shows on ESPN from 1-3 pm...kind of like the banter and some of the information they scream out...but, isn't Mina Kimes on these broadcasts a LOT?...all over the map...
Yea, so, Rudy, the former minister of madness, claims to be out of bread...and has been reportedly....allegedly...purportedly...by all accounts...been trying to coerce donny q for some scratch to pay for his lawyers...didn't Michael Cohen try the same thing?...how'd that work out for him?...ah, jail time, buster...'yes, this is donald trump, who is calling?...rudy who?...no idea who you are'...
As we enjoy our Mother's Day weekend, don't be too lazy about looking into the sky...cuz that Chinese rocket is falling somewhere...