Facebook Dilemma
Aren't you even a bit curious how the bloke continues to be in the spotlight?...donny q...even, in defeat, well, not that he has ever admitted it so, the former Prez (gulp) somehow...yes, somehow...has kept his hold on the hanger onners...and, the Repub Party is still in control by him...I guess...isn't there somebody else that can stand up...be counted...and show the right (?) that there needs to be better and newer leadership?...or, are we all going to be saddled with this awful circus for another 4 years?...I bring this up, not because I want to, but the social network Czar...FACEBOOK...is going to rule on whether to continue to ban trump...or not...pardon the guy, and let him roam the web net, like he did before...spreading whatever his message was...and is...to those who buy into it...facts?...hardly...in prep for the big decision, he has started up his own blog...no, q, Crazy Horse, is already taken...just taking a wild guess here...but, I wonder who is writing it for him?...covfefe...or, whatever that was...sure, I am biased...don't like him...never have...and wish that he is off the circuit...I am repeating myself, but...please Repubs...find another to take over...you have them somewhere...get some strength and push forward...as Roberto Duran said in one of his last fights 'no mas'...
Breaking...the Facebook 'Oversight Board (?)'...has ruled that the trump ban has been continued...