Tighten Up
Gonna put you back a bit, but one of my all time fav 'feel good' songs...by Archie Bell and the Drells...'Tighten Up'...who puts his name at the intro of a hit?...they did...of Houston, Texas....one of them Final 4 teams this year...Houston...who plays Baylor...in the other side of the bracket, the front running Gonzaga...vs the last Pac 12 candidate...UCLA!...
What a game that was!...as the Bruins beat Michigan for the last spot in the semis...you can't say that the Wolverines didn't have their chances...missing 2 good looks at the end...in a match up that I didn't really care who won, I can enjoy the game more...
Sooooo, who wins out?...figure it will be the Zags and Baylor for the title...and get this, either team can win...yup, the Horse sticks his long neck out...
I had my annual physical yesterday...why do I stress over this?...well, not too high on getting poked and prodded...but, my insurance has added a bit to the agonizing hour...they throw in a memory test...guess to check to see if the Alzheimer's thang is kicking in...she stumped me on 'put 10:50' on a clock...dang, fell for it...and, before they poked out all me blood...they prodded out some wax in my ear...lordy, you have ever had that done?...like I shoulda been on one of them made for TV doc shows...
Opening day is maƱana for the mighty Padres...gone is March, and here we go April...and beisbol!...anticipation, the best word in the English language...
OK, I must tell you...the cooking of the tater tots...the very best, Jerry, the very best...done in the air fryer...400*, for 15 minutes, turning them once...voila!...perfection...
Snooki's song of the day...'Kiss of Life' by Sade...hmmm, I thought she was a one hit wonder, and not this one...'Smooth Operator'...comes to mind...see, he is much deeper, than moi...I give him full credit...well, he should be...my older elder senior citizen from the homeland...who still has some of my highly precious Beatle albums...in his possession...
Perhaps, in your home, you have some form of water purification system...we do not...so we have been using a Brita...along comes another, that is sposed to be better, but slower...ZeroWater...yup, ordered it from Amazon...and we shall see...
Prez B is introducing an infra structure plan for the Nation...you DO know that much of what we drive on was made in the 1930's, right?...90 years ago...think about that for a bit...those bridges you are traveling on, over the agua...hmmm...just saying....the timing is right for improvements, don't you think?...or replacements...
Saw one of the most intriguing things in a while...a new club...open to everyone...who wants to join...The Mulligan Club'...gives you the right to take one, every round...shoot, I've been doing that for years...now, it's a club?...
My Doc asked if I smoked...my response was "do cigars count?...so then yes...but I don't inhale"...so felt like Slick Willy when I was talking to her...yea, she gave me, the evil eye...who knows what she wrote on the damned folder about moi...I'm sure it's not good...
Speaking of golf...the advertisements go off the charts for new things...the driver will let you hit it 10 yards farther...the putter will make you putt straighter...the grips will make you...OK, you get me drift...but, Sir Nick Faldo, has let this one out...the shoes he is endorsing will help you hit the rock 7 yds further...c'mon, Sir, give us all a break...and after this one, don't ever rock Rickey for his commercials...
Well, March is ending...which means them damn bills are lurking...
Here are Archie Bell and the Drells....