April Fools

I thought about writing an entire blog dedicated to a fib...er, a joke...an extension of the truth...and end it with, April fools!...hmmm, foo?...NO, I will not do that to my faithful readers...it shall be the truth and nothing but the truth, as I see it...Jerry it's not a lie, if you really believe it...

This is Opening Day for the Mighty Padres...an afternooner over at Petco Park...the crowd will be limited to 10,000 or so...due to the restrictions of gatherings...hosting the Diamondbacks...who, without a doubt, have the most awful looking uniforms in the league...which, of course, means absolutely nothing at all...unless you are a fashion aficionado...the game...should be a low scoring affair...as we are going with Darvish, and they are chucking Madbum...yes, there is high anticipation for our team this season....starts with game 1...

Texas...apparently has it's own rules...in their home opener, is allowing a capacity crowd in...masks?...social distancing?...naw...

Hate to write this...but another mass shooting, up in Orange...LA area...4 killed?...one being a child...how many 'thoughts and prayers' can our legislature people hand out, before something is done about rapid fire guns?...

Talk about a totally unscientific way of judgment...but, from our condo, we see the passenger airplanes descend to the (San Diego) airport...and...the frequency has picked up immensely...the Horse thinks that we are traveling almost as much, as before the Pandemic...

A sense of relief, when your Dr calls and say "I have nothing but good news to report on your blood work!"...

The NFL upped their season to 17 games...a total money making scheme...with the size of the blokes, one more game's brutality on their bods...well, it's a shame...the owners should have to put on the gear, and play in the game for 4 downs...

Snooki's song of the day...I'm sure taken from one of MY VINYLS that he absconded with...'You Can't Do That' by the Beatles...just a terrific tune for sure...you must hear it again...

Yesterday (Beatles again) was one of my lowest number of readers in at least 6 months...I wonder why (Dion) that is so?...

Did you know that Aprils Foos Day is shared with National One Cent Day?...what do you do with them, anyhoo?...

Recall last month's Tiger Woods solo auto crash?...the detectives have determined the reason...but, are not going to release it...ah, why not?...

My fav time of the year to play golf...the fairways are firming up...thus, the drives travel farther...and once again, I think I am a golfer...in reality, I am a hack that dreams big...

OK, I'll end with this...how did April Fools Day come about...nobody really knows...some say in the year 1582, when France changed calendars...something like that...


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