
As we have endured a year of this Pandemic...there are so many things that we take for granted....that we can't or couldn't do, right?...some have had the worst happen, lost a loved one...some have got the Covid, survived, and have lived in isolation...some, like many, just have existed in's been a horrific time, for sure...and now, that we have vaccines available...well, will soon be for the masses...I just can't imagine NOT taking it...yet, there are those out there that choose no....c'mon people, do the right thing...

Simple going to a restaurant...or to a movie house...a church...a bar...a coffee shop...any mass gatherings...inside places...the list is endless...we all wonder, when can we again?...

Tonight is the first of many, award shows for the people who really don't need it...praise the pretty people...again...the Golden Globes...egads...perfect name...hosted by, I jest...don't send me will be hosted by Tina Fey and Amy Poehler...wonder how they are gonna house the possible recipients?...normally, this is a drink fest...which, I kind of like watching...really, I could care less who wins, but I do wait for the bizarre...somehow the pretty person, turns ugly...shame on me, Horse...

The final day for the golf T in Bradenton, Florida...and Rory McIlroy is leading a good will gesture for the one and only guy, who is hurting big time...Tiger Woods...wearing RED on Sunday...wonder how many pros will do this?...I already saw that the ladies, in their T, are doing it...saw Annika this am in RED...another simple thang, that says a lot...

I try, I really watch...but most of the hoop world has been turned upside down, with this odious 3 point world that the game has evolved in to...have been noticing that some guys, stay close to their 'guy' wherever he is...gone is the 'help side D'...well, everyone but PDX...again, stop it, Horse...

Just read my blog back...thinking about what I haven't had much...spaghetti and meat balls...guess I was thinking of RED...thanks, Rory, and realized it's been a long while...sounds good, huh...Caesar salad...French bread...gosh, it is gonna happen....hey, BTW, the combo did a Pineapple bundt cake yesterday...tasted grand...but, I was in charge of the baking part...and it came out lopsided...ah ha, I don't thing I had the oven door totally closed...I do not have the magic touch...

Imagine the leaning tower of Pisa...and sub in pineapple cake, and you got your picture...

No input from the Snooki this am, thus far...gonna go with the Voice...often called...Jay stumped?...Jay and the Americans...without a doubt, the most overlooked group of that era...'Cara Mia'...'Come a Little Bit Closer'...'This Magic Moment'...I defy you to find a better vocalist...

Finally, I got this Tweet from Senator Bernie Sanders...and, the name Walton?...owner of...Walmart...


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