Another Attack on the Capitol?
Brazenly stupid...those who follow QAnon...or, whatever the H it imply that the change of presidents is going to happen on March the 4th...c'mon, people...get a life...not really sure how many participants there will be...but, the DEFENSE will be ready this time...just can't believe this is what some Americans actually believe in...ah, wait, I guess I do...
So, the Pandemic must be over in Texas and the Guvs in each of those states have rewritten the need for masks...what % of the people there have gotten their shots?...and I don't mean bourbon...wait a significant time period, those of you in are jumping the gun...just wait...for the are putting your own constituents in grave danger...
Tommy Tuberville...the bloke from Alabama who is one of the senators from there...he is old school...can you imagine playing for him when he was the football HC at Auburn?...I bet there are doozies of stories from his former players...there appears to be a lot of space between his do I really feel? he is pictured, carrying trump's six pack of Diet Coke....
I was watching a very entertaining NBA game...yes, even with the odious new wave of playing the was back and forth...the LaLa Lakers and the Phoenix it just me, or does LeBron get away with a lot of traveling?...ha ha...anyhoo, the Suns star, Devin Booker, got the heave ho from the little the 3rd, not QAnon...didn't look like much, but I am sure he said some choice words...the good refs, walk away...anyway, the game DIDN'T the Suns kept a going and got the W...for youse who don't follow the pro hoops, Booker is the dude who is dating all the KFam....well, one of them...
There are rain clouds over me course, so it is prognosticated...gonna hit about, Pops and I are canceling...the golf can wait til Friday...maybe even some T storms, and for you who know me well, I am NOT a fan...
Snooki is going to bless us with some Santana...'Why Don't You and I'...accompanied by Chad Kroeger of Nickelback...I get the Kroeger foods...but, who did the spelling on nickel?...we have yet to see Carlos in concert...on our bucket list...he is in Vegas, often...
The Horse has adjusted some of the reading material that he chooses, before he writes...the number? rid of a few and added some local stuff, as well as some TV stations elsewhere...notice I said them, rather than the newspaper editions?...I dunno, kids...things are a changing...and I do like writing in the 3rd's like about somebody I sorta confused?...yea, me too...
The Cactus League has begun...the Padres are in full swing...and get the one from Jr yesterday...a peak into the future...a Slam Diego!...gonna be a beaut this season, ya'll...can hardly wait...
OK, I have been looking around at the Beetle Convertibles...perhaps, this weekend, gonna go out and drive some...think that 5 grand for a '05, that has 120,000 miles on it, is a gamble?...looks good on the Carfax site...probably will end up with a '18 or so, for $20 grand...
Let's get to some serious talk now...we got some very big short ribs...beef...and the recipe I have read....says sear and cook like for 3 hours at low heat, rotating a dutch oven...what say you experts out there? the dutch have their own ovens?...I have an injun oven...will that work?...
Finally, we are really into Netflix's 'Behind Her Eyes'...highly recommend it...chapter 5, done...