What's Going On?

I keep referring to the similarities of the early 70's...the protests, and yes, the mob mentality that erupts from them...sadly...might there be a better song for this?...'What's Going On?' by Marvin Gaye...

The issues are different...but, the passion is the same...how else can one voice their displeasure?...take it to the streets...then, we were talking college and university campuses, for the most part...now, we are seeing the cities of our great nation, enduring the path of the protests...

Then, why does the result bring with it the riots?...and the awful parts of it...the looting...the tearing down of YOUR own cities...the burning of structures, cars...why?...this is a good thing?...I will never understand the rationale...the protesting, yes...the destruction, no...is there a sinister group behind this phase of the 'mob?'...

Marsh has said something that I think would be prolific...have the TV people, well, those covering the seemingly countless protests, interview the individuals involved...where are they from?...what are their concerns?...of course, you will get the finger pointing, the swearing, the gesturing...but, behind all that, there will be a truth that will stand up...a view that is needed by all...

Speaking of 'standing up'...there is none of that happening from the leadership of the country...a telling part of just how we are governed....his Tweets of threats, are not what 'WE' need...that only thing that that does, is shield himself...what is so needed, is the calming effect of the top position in the Nation...and, we are NOT getting that...the protection of all the people...

So often, the path of destruction has always been...OVER THERE...somewhere else...not here...and with the countless cities having to endure this...it has taken over most of the country...cooler heads MUST prevail...civility must return...as even in the smallish community of Salem, Oregon...there were protests...troubling, were the armed owners of the businesses, protecting their own...is THIS what we have come to?...

Perhaps, the commentary from a song may drive it home...in Snooki's song of the day...'Imagine' by John Lennon...'You may say that I am a dreamer...'...

As I said yesterday, I have no solutions...answers?...no, just more questions...we, the people, must find the path...the right one...the search is on...but, there has to be a better way...than the one that is currently being used...is NOT the right one...

Probably no better time to call for the rallying cry of...



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