The March on DC

I have given you the reasons...the rebuttals...the people that show their distrust in the present system of be fair, we are talking 'not all the people'...but, the ones that want to...yes, it involves many of the youth of the all, I hope that they spend as much time, delivering their VOTE, as they do expressing their present frustrations as to the regime at hand...of course, what we all want is the power of the people, and NOT the anger, looting, and the results thereof...

The weekend...this particular...where there are estimations of a MILLION protestors...gathering in the capitol of the air their grievances...something that I have been expecting for some took a deadly racial incident to trigger the reality, it could have been something else...but, right here...right now...this is the impetus...

How will Trump and his regime react to this? per usual, I have no idea what he will do...I can guess, but I am often incorrect...bunker down? up and meet the people?...he already had another barrier constructed surrounding the White House...yes, it has out the military?...shield after shield...maybe, escape to Mara some golf...? many more options are there?...only time will tell...

In our area, there are plans for protests throughout the city...however, the weather man, has thrown a small wrench in the is long will it last?...I dunno...

I could go on...I'd rather not...let's let the day unfurl...


Watched some golf challenge of past years on the golf channel...8 (there is that number again) golfers, mostly pros...that show their 'skills' of the $...a couple of the episodes were downright, when the baseballer Mark McGuire beat the pros...anyhoo, the one last nite, was kind of interesting...the final event was a 'reverse' scramble...the entrants were in pairs...the opponent picked the shot of the other team...thus, they were always playing the worst shot...I hated the you are playing in the, the game is tough enough....

Does anyone really watch the Housewives of wherever?...anymore?...what % are still married?...the highlights, er, the lowlights, that they throw out are perfectly...awful...ah, who cares?...

Explain to me, how do you play football in this pandemic?...the 'social' distancing, ah, what?...can't fathom it...

Snooki is on there is no special song for the, talking music...we have started watching a new series 'Laurel Canyon'...historical look at the sounds that my era began...late 60's and early 70' they came about...the formation of the bands...the meaning of some of the great way cool...far out...and certainly, groovy...dig it...

And I still have got no clue as to the stock market...way high yesterday, and I mean the numbers...DOW +829, and NASDAQ +198...saw on one of them social sites, where a 'star' was asking the same thing...well, commenting on it...why oh why?...'the rich get richer' is all I can come up with...

See ya maƱana...


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