The Eclipse of Sanity

I've never understood the idea of supremacy...that which is embedded in the depths of the some...that made that part of the country go to war, to fight for their beliefs of it...I go with this...good people are good...and bad people can be bad...regardless of the, one's ancestry...
You want a take on what I just said?...try watching 'Live PD' for a night...the police arrest the same person everywhere in the USA...well, the same type...makes no difference the color of the skin...none whatsoever...people with little education...with drug problems...most are frequent flyers, known to the cops...they inhabit areas that have repeat offenders...
Of course, it's not that simple...each area has it's own issues...the climate can dictate what is what...yes, the summer months manifest the hostility zone...and that's where we are right now...
Many who are upset...take it out on the want a passionate job?...try being a cop...
Let's hope calmer heads prevail...this issue will NOT go away, I am sure...
So...the San Diego Symphony took on LaLa's the scoop...the movie was shown, and in many places of it, the Symphony played where there was was kind of cool...the place was absolutely the Bay...the sound was incredible...and I can't believe that in the battle of the two leads of the film...that is what it was, right?...Ryan Gosling did not win the Oscar as Emma Stone least, they both should have won...there, that's better...hey, I felt the same way, when there was the Johnny Cash flick, 'Walk The Line'...when Reese Witherspoon won and Joaqin Phoenix did not...but...I know nuttin...
When I arrived at the golf course...staring at me was a bumper sticker on a car...that this fellow golfer was a proud person from Guam...kind of cool...
Are you one of the peops that when you make a sandwich, you slice off all of the crust?...
The PGA T...what a day for the pros...!...just a horrendous day for scoring...kind of looks like Kevin Kisner may prevail...or, survive...the lowlight?...what the heck was Jason Day thinking on the 18th hole?...the analyst, Sir Nick Faldo, was aghast!...Jason was stuck behind a tree...and rather than pitchout and play for a bogey...he tried a home run...ahem, the Horse has done this...ha ha...his score on the hole?...a eight...and probably hit himself out of the T...
I think this city rules the roost on 'roof top bars'...this my friends, is way cool...
A day without a Padre memo, is a day without Horse sense...another loss...well, both of them...
Did Prez T anoint his daughter, Ivanka, to be the spokesperson on the Virginia calamity?...she came out strong against supremacy...another Tweet...
Hey, I just got the Duck football there going to be a journey up north for a game this year? the preliminary stages...very preliminary....
OK, kids you have a great Sunday...and I'll see you on the web net...