Within the inner turmoil of the 'statue debate'...comes the Prez with his view on what happened...and...not being the most liked of dudes...especially to the media...he ad-libed...poorly...created more of a stir...and THAT'S the topic of my 11 sources...not what is the focal point...does the country try to erase the history that it had in that era?...right? is the crux of the some time, calmer heads will prevail...and worthwhile commentary will take over... the time for...FANTASY...FOOTBALL!...geez, ESPN did an all day marathon on it...many mock drafts...names bantered about...almost to the degree that it got a bit know the actual players had to be witnessing the spectacle...imagine if you were the bloke who was the 18th the fantasy world...
Let's get real draft is live at the end of the month...the suggestion is to take WR's and RB's first...seeings I have never won this league I am presently in...maybe I should follow suit...but, if I have the option to take the QB Aaron Rogers...I'm see, I download a 'sheet' to follow...will buy a mag that does the same...and then...get lost in the fast pace of the draft...round 4 on, I am pretty much lost...and...takes me 30 minutes to figure out the method on the computer screen to do the bloody process, to boot...that's it, I should do the auto-draft...where the computer does it for me...
Golf...the Solheim Cup...where the ladies tee it up in a team format...the US vs is great fun to watch...and to be brutally honest, the Americans have a great chance to win...always good...USA!...but in their sport, the South Koreans would whup any combo we put together...TG, that is what it is...just enjoy the spectacle...the Horse does...
It's almost been a month, and I have only been to the track...ONCE!...we have had things that supersedes, that dang golf...shows, dinners, friends...this week?...the son arrives...beisbol, concert and the great joy of having him here...hmmm, I could take him to the races on Sunday...but alas, he doesn't like the ponies...where did I go wrong?...
We are getting new carpet installed today...which means we spent last eve taking everything out of the 2 is amazing how much we have accumulated in the time here...and this am...we are dismantling the power bed...wish us luck...
Just for fun...take out your globe...or look on the web net's world map...and just try to find the island of is wayyyyyyy over doubt it is crucial for we have an air base there...just in case...and...notice also, the marvel of the islands of Hawaii...perched in the Pacific so beautifully...our fav is Maui...I forgot how unbelievable it is...
We have yet to figure out an anniversary journey...hmmm...number 43?...what?...what is that one called?...I do recall those of you, who said we were to last less than one year...I even heard one month...ha ha...all the credit goes to Marsh...
The term used for the day...'outrage'...there you go...just try to find any pixel channel not using this term to describe the Prez's speech...
Of course, my song to you ....'Outrage' by Booker T and the Mg's...of course... the time for...FANTASY...FOOTBALL!...geez, ESPN did an all day marathon on it...many mock drafts...names bantered about...almost to the degree that it got a bit know the actual players had to be witnessing the spectacle...imagine if you were the bloke who was the 18th the fantasy world...
Let's get real draft is live at the end of the month...the suggestion is to take WR's and RB's first...seeings I have never won this league I am presently in...maybe I should follow suit...but, if I have the option to take the QB Aaron Rogers...I'm see, I download a 'sheet' to follow...will buy a mag that does the same...and then...get lost in the fast pace of the draft...round 4 on, I am pretty much lost...and...takes me 30 minutes to figure out the method on the computer screen to do the bloody process, to boot...that's it, I should do the auto-draft...where the computer does it for me...
Golf...the Solheim Cup...where the ladies tee it up in a team format...the US vs is great fun to watch...and to be brutally honest, the Americans have a great chance to win...always good...USA!...but in their sport, the South Koreans would whup any combo we put together...TG, that is what it is...just enjoy the spectacle...the Horse does...
It's almost been a month, and I have only been to the track...ONCE!...we have had things that supersedes, that dang golf...shows, dinners, friends...this week?...the son arrives...beisbol, concert and the great joy of having him here...hmmm, I could take him to the races on Sunday...but alas, he doesn't like the ponies...where did I go wrong?...
We are getting new carpet installed today...which means we spent last eve taking everything out of the 2 is amazing how much we have accumulated in the time here...and this am...we are dismantling the power bed...wish us luck...
We have yet to figure out an anniversary journey...hmmm...number 43?...what?...what is that one called?...I do recall those of you, who said we were to last less than one year...I even heard one month...ha ha...all the credit goes to Marsh...
The term used for the day...'outrage'...there you go...just try to find any pixel channel not using this term to describe the Prez's speech...
Of course, my song to you ....'Outrage' by Booker T and the Mg's...of course...