Doesn't It Seem To You

You know, when a sentence starts with 'Don't you think..."'s already a debatable and argumentative point?...if I thought that, I would say it...should be, "I think this, what do you..."...obviously, the Horse is in an ornery mood, for some unknown reason...hmmm...

The MLB ALL Star lineups were announced last eve...the fans bad as the MLB Hall of Fame, where the writers vote...double yuck...whatever city puts together the best campaign, they get THEIR dudes in...if this is a big deal, then there should be a significant % of player and manager input included...I will say, that the hosting of the event is way San Diego had it last year...which we went to...this time around in Florida...

Chris Christie...New Jersey Boss...that is what you call him in that state, right? feeling the pinch on governmental monies in the area...closed down the beaches for the weekend to save some scratch...and then, get this, he and his entourage went to the 'closed beach' line, no waiting...oh my... in Carmelo Anthony...presently a NY Knick in the NBA...has been a thorn wherever he has been playing...has one of them no trade contracts...well, he has to OK it...finally has said he would welcome a move to Cleveland or Houston...hey now, both of those teams are now kind of stable...his addition would change that...

Tesla 3 is about to be released on the nation...the $35 grand auto, that so many have pre-purchased...I dunno...seems to me, that so many cars are made real well now...except for their 'safety bags' fact, in many cases it's hard to tell them apart...the Kia and Hyundai are two examples...I am a doubter on the Tesla...

Kyle Stanley won in OT on the PGA Tour in notice that almost all the big names skipped this T?...has to be cuz that course they play is ridiculously tuff...even to the bigs...wonder how long it stays on the circuit?...BTW, he beat Charles Howell the 3rd...who hasn't won in like 10 years...make that ongoing...

And over on the LPGA...the ladies had their 2nd 'Major'...a firster won...Danielle Kang...actually an American...'proud to be an American'...beat the youngster out of Canada...Brooke Henderson, as her eagle putt on 18 stopped a half roll short...of a playoff...listen networks, can we just quit showing Michele Wie's every agonizing moment on the course?...

History...lesson...or did the White House hide forever that the Prez, FDR...had polio?...and couldn't walk a bit....kept this from the public...imagine nowadays...the Washington Post would have full paged stories and pix...thank you Woodward and Bernstein...

I mentioned this the other day...this is our time for the condo in Cocoa Beach...well now, there have been numerous sightings of them sharks in shallow water, just outside our door in OUR waters...hmmm...time to let this one go...they are hungry, my good friends...

We have gone on back to back days of bike rides...and you can not believe the numbers of peops roaming the GQ and the Seaport...hard to ride through them...most we have ever seen...for whatever reason...

OK, the bloody Big Brother season has begun...CBS...and it already has hooked us...we each picked our person to to switch up before the 1st show was over...and we about your cliques...ha ha...

Our condo party...big time event here for the home...almost 200 to attend...and we are in charge of buying beer...and ice...and'd think that this would be the big thinger...not, most drink the heat? way, maestro....and, moi, has the first shift in flipping burgers...and dawgs...we plan on going over to the bay to finish the nite off...and listen to their headliner...Wynonna Judd....hey kids, she can wail...still...and then watch the fireworks...

The song...for today...'God Bless the U.S.A.' by Lee Greenwood...


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