The Morning After

Just a terrific 4th Party here at the home...we even got out and boogied a bit...I know, hard to believe that the Horse still can bring out his dancing shoes...but get this, even though I was the 'DAWG MAN', we didn't get to eat...funny lil note, I was delegated to the lesser cooking position as I didn't have enough experience to flip them burgers...ha ha...the peops ate it off we went to the New Yorker for a pizza...go figure...

Being a 'cook' to speak...can have it's perks and it's patrons would come up and demand some food...'where is my turkey burger?'...well, sir, it is coming right your service...

The best part?...the fireworks extravaganza was visible right off our back deck!, we settled in and viewed the whole was way know, it's kind of 'just another nite' there are fireworks often on the bay, year round...just, not as long...really...

However, the best part, just may be that THE HOME has people to clean the whole thing up...well, it's a tie for the coveted prize...yet, the DJ did NOT play my requested song...'The Theme From Cocoon'...


My statements yesterday about North Korea were refuted...hmmm...depends on who you listen appears that maybe, just maybe, the missile they launched was in two parts...for a country that has NO MONEY, they sure throw a lot of what they DO HAVE, out the, into the sea...bad dude...very bad dude...

Chris Christie, the New Jersey Boss...has ratings the lowest of all in the Nation...just threw his 'beach scene' back at anyone who questioned it...fuggit about it...right?...

The mighty Pads won a thriller in Cleveland...1-0...and beat the entire 'Indian Nation' stationed there in Ohio...hey now now...

Kelly Clarkson...remember her?...the 1st American Idol winner...and was and is well deserving...terrific talent...who we have seen in concert at least in the she called out a critic for her 'gaining some extra pounds' it body shaming...whatever, she is a helluva singer...

So...the kid from Butler...who used to play for the coach of the now, Boston Celtics...rejoined him there...Gordon Hayward...OK...does that make them a winner over the Cavs in the east?...nope, he is a fine player...but in the Horse's book...a 2nd level guy...they get better, I suppose...but...

This entire NBA offseason is no more than people signing and making way TOO MUCH MONEY! the expense of you...who plunk down $300 a maybe watch the stars in action...unless, they are taking the night off...$120 million for 3 years?...give me a break...

Having a holiday in the middle of the week screws up the entire timing of the normal daily life...yesterday seemed like a Friday to moi...

Volvo...the Svedish car...vows to have all their vigs, gas free, by 2019...yup, that means either electric or hybrid....vait, doesn't that mean, if it is hybrid, they still can run on petrol? entirely gas vree...

Finally, a docu on Amelia Earhart...on the History Channel...that she may have been actually a castaway...and died as one...and the US Gov't covered the story up...I think that's the gist of it...OK, has my ears and eyes open...I will watch it...

The song for this...gulp, 'The Morning After' by Maureen McGovern...


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