World Leader Summit Chaos

You know...due to it being like way over far away from Germany...the last time I have heard of when the Beatles released an album 'Live from Hamburg'...when they were in their infancy...but now...the World Leaders are meeting there...LIVE!...

And the protests are legendary...and awful...let's be clear...whenever this group meets...anywhere...there is organized chaos! many of the streets of Hamburg are lit ablaze...and yet...of my 11 news sources...only 2 of them are headlining the occurrence...what?...

Makes me wonder this...every time there is these protesters ...I will not believe they are only locals...there are people who fly in to lead these...who is behind them?...follow the money...but, where is it coming from?...

For us...the key is the meeting between our leader and the Russian THIS will be reported by all eleven...let's be patient and wait for the results...that's what we call it, right?...


If you want to be real do, don't you?...just follow the amounts of money that many of the NBA stars are signing for...if they aren't making at least $10 million a year, they are either bench jockeys or fading stars...

The Pads did not sweep the entire 'Indian Nation' of Ohio...yet did win 2 of 3...a baby step, yet again...for this young many years must we wait?...until our latest group of draftees enter their 20's?...

If you can't beat ' them out...Campbell Soup Co. did just that...bought out the organic soupers, Pacific Foods...for a mere $700 million bucks...or the price of one of them NBA teams...

Hmmm...I am referring to money today...lots of it...some people have mucho mas dinero...and can throw it fact, how has your stock market being treating you? on earth can that be doing so well?...the Horse has no clue...

You want some more fuel to your fire?...follow the Mayor of NYC...DeBlasio...who just so happens is flying into Hamburg meet with peops there...and rip into our Prez T...this via the New York Post...notice that there is funding for his trip paid for by...'Hamburgs Shows Attitude'...a protest group...oh my...disgusting...

There is a mini-circuit of former hoop stars and next in line ballers...a 3 on 3 league...that are coached by the likes of Dr J, Clyde the Glide, Rick Barry, and on and on...'coaching?'...I mean, how do you coach 3 on 3?...anyway, I watched it last eve...kind of OK...

PGA...the next major is over the pond, too...The Open...brace yourself for a totally different type of golf...vast fields of trees...and the ball bounces forever...remember when the Euros played a smaller ball?...of course you don't...I had a 3 pack (maybe 4?, my mind is sketchy)...that didn't last long...they didn't have any buoyancy...and were lost in the dark waters of a lake...obviously, they were not good balls...

Here is the playlist from that Beatles in Hamburg set...notice this is pre-Ringo...

'I Remember You'...was by Frank Ifield...did not recall the Beatles covering it...


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