
I can't think of a more cowardly way of dealing with other planting bombs to kill innocent spectators...the devils are just that...and in my way of thinking, a public hanging would do them justice...I know, a bit harsh...but if they have a problem with a government, then deal with the government...not innocent's not right...this way of dealing with life...there just seems to be a lot of this type of mass murder and mayhem, huh...

Just when I bad mouth the Pads, they put together a brilliant game against the hated Dodgers...and actually win in LA...strong pitching and hitting from Eric Stults, who clobbered his 1st ever HR...a 3 run least our pitcher can in a row...

DTWS...there is a decided line between the good and the bad...and I have already listed the better ones...going off of the last night performance, the Disney Gal is the one to beat...then KP and the FBer, in that order...

The Voice...OK, the sing off thing is weird...a duet, with a winner and a loser...not a fan of that format...yet, I like the judges so much better than the Idol ones...much better...well, the gals, for sure...

How secure do we have to have?...I have to think that we are there...but, these goons have a way to find a sliver of a chance...we must be strong and the penalties must be stronger...OK, I know the hanging thing will never fly...that's just my passion...c'mon Congress, do your job and get this situation figured out...

NBA...8 watch...the Lake Show wins on Wednesday, they are in...they lose and Utah wins, the Jazz are in...go Jazz!...

Finally...the NCAA is dealing with the Texas recruiting violations by the's been an ongoing topic by the Oregon press for some time now...UO publicly admitted some stuff...let's see where this goes...the reason Chip bolted to the NFL?...just like Pete did to USC?....

You tired of the K fam yet?...they now are pushing the younger sisters into the must be their goal to be the ultimate famous cuz they are famous people...can't think of anyone else that meets the criteria...turn them off!!!...

Gold was gold, and now it's not...never figure out the path...
Have to get out and practice before my next T on Saturday...rusty...
The boxer is out tonight...just a hunch...
Sorry, Tiger, but of all the rules that I know...dropping it back wouldn't be in the cards...
Get this...if LA wins and the Jazz win...LA is in and ties Houston for 7th...what? they get the 7th spot?...and would play San Antone...really?...NOBODY IS TALKING ABOUT THIS!...


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