Cold Stadiums

You must show your bravado and attend the NFL games in the deep, deep what if it is below freezing? live there, you gots the appropriate warming clothing...and all them heat warmer thangs that you can stick purnt near everywhere...for GOODNESS SAKES, you ARE a season ticket holder...c'mon love to scream your silly arse out at the games...pound the sideboards, clang the seats...blow them damn airhorns...cowbells?...can't get enough cowbell...if you weanie out, and decide to watch it on the may have a least in the Dolphins/Chiefs game is being televised EXCLUSIVELY on don't have it?...get your thermal stuff ready and get out the door...

It's the sign of the times...$, and lots of them...that take these games, and televise them in sordid Prime...where the signal freezes for moi...these fat cats want pay for view...I guess...more of that green stuff that they can stick in their 401 K's...that seemingly they never ever get taxed on...yea, that upper 1% of our very own is them...when the Demos say that they want those fat cats to pay what they should be...and are embraced by the Repubs, their revered donors, so they can keep ALL their loot...makes me KNEW I would turn this into politics, didn't you...

Staying in football...your reminder that one school was going to lose their cherished coach to Alabama...yup, the Washington Huskies was the one...had to be 'Bama's 2nd choice after Lanning...guess DeBoer doesn't bleed purple as much as Lanning does green...and so it goes...the Huskies recruits will leave...some to Alabama...Washington will start anew...and the story goes on...listen, can't blame the was a huge step for any coach...and sure...the $ is there...just win, baby...

You probably don't know his name...but, Peter Crombie died at the age of 71 yesterday...too early, right?...I think so...but he was a key character in the 'Seinfeld Show'...'Crazy' Joe Davola...who had a string of spots on it...his 5 episodes were real life, was considered a great guy...and not crazy at all...

A missing step...I am all for the athlete to get his due in cash...talking hoops, kids...but, there is a missing part in their growth in the game...a very important one...the years in college...where you learn to live on your own, without the parents hovering...and the teaching, the further teaching of the game during that span of life...the athletes go to the pros TOO SOON...they are expected to already have the nuances of hoops..99% do not...a mandatory 3 year session should be installed...the Horse rests...

This is funny...the Chargers (the Spanos version) will meet with Harbaugh this week...if he signs with them he must not only be the head coach but be the other way would work...this cuts out the Spanos son and then, and ONLY THEN, does the franchise have a chance for guess, he passes... of the things in football, baseball, not so much basketball, is the lip reading of the opponents...the enemy of sorts...well...the pretty people are doing the cameras are all over them...and the closeups have the things they say, splattered all over the web NOW, they hide their lips with their hands...trump ought to try that...

Add that to his trump circus train...

Looking at the 2 wild card games today in the NFL...the Browns are favored over the Texans (in Texas?)...and the Chiefs fav over the Dolphins in KC...and I have no clue...still can't believe how well Flacco has played...and how poorly the Chiefs have moved the ball...hope I get Peacock...

Finally, Taiwan elected a new president that China has labeled a 'troublemaker'...Lai Ching-te...the former VP...I fully support the was not a stolen election...there were no 'fake electorates'...there was not ballot stuffing...and this is NOT FAKE NEWS!...


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