The Upshot of Sports

We built this city...for?...there are those that say that sports have no effect on a city, town, area, state, school
...I heard that often when I was in me all fired up, as that was what I was all about...moods...pride...cause and effect...we felt it...listen, people need to be uplifted...DIGNITY of where they live, go to school, ah, just hang truly is amazing to see...when the local team (s) do well...the aura about is beautiful...the days seem brighter...the smiles are all about you...yes, YOU can just FEEL the difference...'how about them ________!'...this is happening right now here in south SoCal...with our baseball team, the Padres...

The last team in...the playoffs...ranked the same by ALL the pundits and the Vegas chance for the Friars...the Mets will knock them out in the 1st round in a sweep...oops, wrong...this after the NY mgr decided to rest his best pitcher for the next opponent, the Bums...assuming an easy series with the Padres...BOOM!...he can rest him til next season...on came the dreaded Bums...the BEST team in baseball...well rested and ready to pulverize their easy victims...they did most of the regular season...

Something's happening the Friars split in LaLa Land...and finally had a home game...HOME...this is what I am alluding to...the self-esteem is the issue...what and where are the Friar faithful?...alive and well, thank you...the city is pumped...EVERYWHERE!...the crowd last the past, the LA fans eat up the tickets IN San big bucks to root for their beloved Bums...not last nite, and not tonight...

The Pads won the game 2-1...outstanding pitching by SP Blake Snell, and RPers, Martinez, Garcia, Suarez, and Hader...timely hitting by Crone and another HR by playoff star Grisham...and COULD win this series we have Joe Musgrove on the hill...the game was not decided til the last strike...and it went ballistic...the fans in the stands, would not leave...delirious...and believe me, it took a good two hours for the people in the streets to filter out...

BTW, there were goose sightings all over the Padre takes this sort of thing to catch on...

Think there isn't passion for sports?...think again, buster...

In I have existed some 75 years on this planet...this would be a good time to tell you all, thanks for wishing me HBD...and more importantly for reading my blog...when I hear about some faithful friends and readers tears me out...recently, my sec Mel Armstrong, my good buddy Cliff Corn, my fantasy sport expert, the Shink...all sad...nothing tears me up more than Sue Musser Marx, who was battling cancer and still would read me religiously...came out of a coma...and commented on my blog...before she passed...I have no idea who is reading, quite often...I would love to know who, and drop me a line or a I know...until then, my best to ya'll...


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