Global Warming
Pandemic aside, we have other issues that are right smack dab in our faces...the one that is not getting enough air the GLOBAL WARMING...OK, some of the conservatives are doubtful that it does exist...let's put it another way...the water in the lakes are DOWN! rain, dudes...take a look at the ones in your state...go to the damns...see it for real...
Out here in the west coast, and not just Cali...but up north, too...we are in grave danger of the worst...the uncontrollable the summer season hits so very soon...I don't have an answer, other than brace yourself...
Congress is looking into the Jan 6 coup attempt on the mention of trump...give us all a break...start with HIS mentions of it happening, months prior...what do they fear?...him, still? people have blinders on...
Cyber attacks?...many of the major sites on the web net went down this Amazon, CNN, and others...apparently we are NOT keeping up with the bad guys...we need more good guys protecting the internet...
As I have said often, which none of you have agreed with me on this...if I was elected Prez, the FIRST thing I would do...would be to hire a bevy of computer geeks and arm the web protect us that way...of course, who would elect a 73 yr old bloke as president?...wait...
United Airlines said it would NOT hire unvaccinated workers...uh, duh...they had to put out a blurb on this? would have assumed that this was already in place...but, you know about ass-u-me...
Some times when I bring up controversial friends give me the most inquisitive looks...right away I sense they have no idea what I am talking about...I guess I should just shut up and swing...or drink...or, just shut up...
OK, let's talk beisbol...the mighty Padres found their bats...some of them a cruising 9-4 win over the Cubbies...but, left so many blokes on could have...should have...might have...been a rout...wait, isn't 9-4 one?...BTW, if you were watching Jr for the 1st time last nite, you would have wondered what the big deal is...Manny, on the other hand, was on fire...the game was Nationally carried...
In the NBA...the blow outs are in motion...the Nets are lambasting the Bucks...the Suns did a number on Colorado...Atlanta is bee bop and scatting over the 76ers...we are waiting for the Jazz/Clip Joint...
Listen all, the Covid vaccine is everywhere now...for all ages...if you haven't yet...GET YOURSELF INOCULATED!...what is wrong with you?...
In my endless summer days of listening, watching, and totally enjoying the sounds of The Beach Boys...I have wondered what happened to the high voice singer of the now group...Jeffrey Foskett...sad he got throat cancer...damn...been a couple of years now...
Have you EVER taken an IQ test? the best of my recollection, I never have...but, just guessing I would be in the 130 range...ha ha...I have no idea what's good and what's bad...but, in the 60-90 range, can't be good...right?...'stupid is as stupid does'...what does that mean?...
'You are so stupid...'...why would anyone say that?...why did the Brits come come up with that spelling, anyway?...shouldn't it be stoopid?...better to say 'you are dumb...'...why is there a b on that spelling?...isn't dum sufficient?...has to be something to do with that idiotic IQ test...
Back to SD...when you start to think that the earth is shaking all around you...and realize it's just the building, in unison, cheering madly for the mighty Padres scoring runs...ya'll need to calm we are into game 60...100 to go...
If ever there was a 'something about nothing' post, this was condolences my fine fellows and, that can't be fine readers...I will be better tomorrow...PROFOUND?