Minimum Wage
I have neglected to talk about this...MINIMUM this appears to be yet another party line issue...the common worker vs the small business owner....really? Mickey D's small?...but, yes, there are small businesses out there that would have to pay a bit more...on the other hand, there are people not getting by, with the amount of income they make...with the only job they can muster up...that need and get government survive...and yes, in some parts of the country, the cost of living is much lower...than others...I can see that...BUT, I do wonder often, why so many non-business owners, share and care about this?...for political reasons only, I reckon...
Businesses...I like to go to the Coke price gouging...back when....some of you are gonna say, 'not again, Horse'...but, there was this rumor of a season of sugar the company had to raise the price of the the time, I was a TAB inhaler...ha ha...and they raised the price of that, too!...ah, there was no sugar in TAB...the price jumped immensely...and guess what, after that season, the sugar returned to the normal amount produced...but, the price of Coke remained at that upper level...did not go back to the original
What I am saying is that there are issues out there, that warrant wages to increase...back when, it usually took a Union to get this, the 'right' say that this is socialism...a handy little word that makes sense to them...that they use for most everything...don't want to go there...
Perhaps, let's meet in the a gradual increase...$10 now, and $15 in a couple of years...or would YOU prefer to leave it at $7.25?...
Do the math...$7.25 X 8 hrs...X 5 days= $290 for the week...could YOU live on that?...that' before taxes, too...
I know I am being simplistic...the 'bills' that Congress writes up are so complicated, with other issues tagged on 'em...ah, the lobbying effect...
Syria is a badly governed place...very bad...with a leader that would do anything to stay in power (ooo, who does that sound like?)...this guy, would and does, gas his own people...that's my setup...Prez Biden ordered an attack on them the Syrian guy has been targeting us...stay tuned to this...
Back really...we are back to normal...we woke up yesterday, and the fevers broke...gosh it felt great...inasmuch, as we took a bike, expect a day or two, to let the vaccine work thru your system...
Snooki's song of the day...'Eyes For You' by Daryl Hall...he reminds me so much of Ronnie Dunn, in the pop world...has his own style... the rehab...has been moved to another hospital to start will be a very loooong road to recovery...
It was soooo pleasant last eve...had some drinks on the deck...listening to some music...yea, we felt better and so was the weather...