The After Effects
There is a calming sensation that one goes through, upon getting the 2nd Covid vaccination...the concept of protection...for us, it was the Moderna....and, unbelievably, the Petco Station opened up and we kept our assigned time slot, given to us a month ago...the procedure that is used, is very professional...and extremely well done...canceled my backup at IHS...thus, we now have what we expected...and hoped, the aftermath....many have talked about the side effects...the first one, basically none...but, so many people have told of symptoms of the 2nd one...
I may be jumping the gun on this...but, I have a sore arm and a mild headache...the problem with that diagnosis is that I often have headaches...ever since my car accident in my senior year of college...ah, like 50 some years ago...Marsh, on the other hand...had chills...did not feel well...had a slight fever, like 100*, and it broke about 1 am....she has since, felt, there you go, a very brief 'real life' commentary about the effects of the 2nd Moderna shot...
Speaking of car accidents...the tragic one of Tiger Woods yesterday car, and one person, HIM, in it...a roll over...and over...the news was pretty sketchy as to why...and what he has injured...the first release was that he broke both legs and shattered an ankle...and is 'LUCKY' to be alive...appears to the naked eye, that the airbags did their thing...and were the reasons that he is living today...I'm sure we will hear more info as the days go on...
For all of you forevers, the comment by Sen Mitt Romney (Utah) that 'if trump runs in '24 he would win by a landslide!...'...impetus to keep the followers afloat?...BTW, NOBODY wins by a landslide...NOBODY!...
Snooki be nostalgic this am...'Baby It's You'...and he suggests listening to 3 of the groups, ah, peops, who recorded it...the Shirelles, the Beatles, and the Carpenters...try Smith, too...sounds like a Goffin/King song...but was actually done by Burt Bacharach and his crew...all had merit...coo...
If you went by yesterday's games only...the Mav's Doncic, is surely an all star starter over Dame...but, dang it all, they are close in abilities...he looked terrific in Dallas's win...
Just read that it may take up to 2 years for the rehab of sad...
Gots to go...early tee time, kids...