All Consuming
The story is not over, kids...the journey of the Horse carries on...on Tuesday nite, it was on a survival mode...perhaps, a reality check...the fate of a country at hand...I had difficulty figuring out how that half of the USA actually could follow...and VOTE for a person like trump...listen, I still have that query...but, it's not half, but purnt near...with all his faults, and blatant disregard for presidential qualities...that a world, not only us, judges on a daily basis...
I am repeating understanding of the Republican Party, I get...not trump's version of it...his usage of the people, scares the living heck out of me...still there is a splinter group trying to raise ruckus, wherever voting sites are still counting the ballots...must be on his orders...and the greedy lawyers, willing to sell their file frivolous the courts, as a last have votes NOT COUNT!...who does that?...the president?...yes, it is time to see that guy, walk out the White House door...for good...
The EC...the Electoral College...yesterday morn, there were more numbers tallied...and Joe Biden/Kamala Harris have emerged as the front runners to win the fact, the results of Nevada will put their 270 count in...if it happens...that state said they will have 'em this will be a done deal...let's see, two days later...we have to do better than this...repeat, BIDEN/HARRIS WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Let's not get ahead of has to happen first...and when and if it does...the shit show will kick up...trump and his regime (Jared, Ivanka, Udee, and Kusee) will rear their ugly heads...put on a debacle second to none...flail with everything they got...say, whatever they can say...humiliate anyone in their path...and themselves...ah, they already started, using the defamed and demoralized 'attorney' Guliani, fresh off a starring role in the Borat talk smack last evening about...well, really who cares?...put your shirt back in your pants, dude...
Funny?...well, it was fodder for many...a moving truck pulled up to the White House yesterday...and the rumors flew...the best one?...Melania was packed up and departing...OK, I have no idea what was going on, but it is humorous...the timing of it all...
Not all the boarded up sites in downtown San Diego...expecting, or anticipating some happen, when the final result is in...thus far, it is calm as normal...fingers crossed...
I've been looking at one of my sites...and notice how many peops are recognized by just one name, ah can have 'the' added, that is cool...the Weeknd, Madonna (she still famous?)...Brit...Cher...Borat...Obama...Kanye...Beyonce...the Horse...all famous dudes and ladies...
A must see...Presidential spirit advisor ( he has one?) Paula White...her vid on a prayer (?) service, promoting orange...find it, it is worth the 2 minutes of hand gestures...
Hey...this could all be for naught...if Nevada turns...and Pennsylvania and Georgia, stay red...we may be talking a different story line...tell me that this isn't all consuming!...
I'm going to go down a deeper path...lost in this, is the number of Covid 19 infections...just yesterday...we have to find a vaccine...100,000!...
Have you seen this show?...SWAT...CBS...the most intense 60 minutes of television out the regular channels...
Just breaking...Snooki's song of the day...'Anticipation' by Carly Simon....ok, dude, one of my absolute favorites...and an indicator of what's coming at 9am?...hopes...
And this...from trump...his up to the date Tweet...from the 'can't make this stuff up files'...."STOP THE COUNT!"...his cry, loud and clear...