
The painfully slow count of the mail in ballots
...has added high drama to this election, don't you think?...most states have their own interpretation of how this was to be handled...for those, who chose to wait until the actual date of Nov 3 to start the process, that just increased the is apparent that the Democrats were the ones that voted first...thus, the mail in ones...fearing the non count of their votes...due to trump's threat of closure of the mail know the fear and the story...

He then felt like, if he could have them not counted...a way to suppress the vote...he wanted them void, if not opened that day, Nov 3...of course...another way of manipulation to retain his throne...alas, the states were not having it...and they are being counted...all of them...the results are remarkable!...'out of sight' for Joe Biden, and devastating for trump...and he is putting on a show, that only he can...

Theatrics...throwing out lawsuits everywhere he got beat...making a ludicrous 'speech' condemning most everything and everyone...even, the most staunch of the Republican Party are not buying in...this they say, 'no donny, this is the system we must use and abide by'...Captain Bligh is aghast!...his son, Jr, has been calling out for the reinforcements of the party to stand up, and be is a sinking ship...

The states left in limbo...are slowly but surely tabulating the mail ins...and are turning BLUE...just this am, read this right...GEORGIA has gone for Biden...Pennsylvania, it is suggested will do so...perhaps, today...Arizona and Nevada, too...if the trend I think it will...we will have the new president...

As we have been glued to the pixels...watching the dudes who stare at the USA board...tell us what county has done what...what to expect...what is real...our two faves are MSNBC and MSN...those two are even more hesitant than the AP, who has had Arizona blue, for a couple of days...

Breaking...Pennsylvania has just gone is over, kids...someone go tell orange...

And, the popular vote is solidly Biden, by almost 4 million votes!...perhaps, one day, that will be the factor, in lieu of the EC...probably not...but, a wish...

Let's do some sidelights...

Covid is back out of control...over 120,000 cases in one day...put your mask on and social distance, Americans!...

The stock market has had two banner days...due to the change of leadership?...I dunno...maybe...the Futures have the cruise ship stocks sinking today... a pun?...

Last eve's NFL game had the Pack versus the 49ers JV squad...a laugher...

Two Padres got honors yesterday...for Silver Sluggers...SS Junior, and 3B Manny...way cool...

Snooki's song of the day...'The Cheater' by Bob Kuban and the In-Men...'he'll take your girl and mistreat her'...ah, the story of this...the band's lead singer was (Sir) Walter Scott...the real cheater...he was really shot and killed by the husband of the gal he was cheating with...eerie and yet, TRUE...

From the 'can't make this shit up' files...Bannon, like Steve of trumps men...said that the heads of Fauci and the FBI guy, Wrey...saying " he would put their heads on pikes"...we don't need this ever in this country...

Twitter is going bonkers right now over the news of Biden overtaking trump in Pennsylvania!...

Joy Bahar (The View)..."it appears it is all over, but the strait jacket"...

It's gonna rain here in south SoCal...all weekend!....batten down the hatches...'we need it' is the mantra by all the folk...tell that to an Oregonian...right...

Today starts the first of two days of the Breeder's Cup...the best horses in the world...this year in Keeneland...Kentucky...yes, the Horse will wager a quid or two today...wait, do I have anything left in me account? do know I am on a fixed income...

And away they go...


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