The Debate

Round ONE of the presidential debates...tonight at 5...our Cleveland, Ohio...trump vs Biden...OK, the stage is set...the gloves are on...yes, it will be watched by take is much like a car race...awaiting a crash....cuz, the issues are known already...most people are already voting for whom they want, regardless of this confrontation...sorry, kids, but it is a Horse truth...the accusations, the dodging of the Q's...the name calling...the intimidation...the sincerity of the answers...the class, or lack thereof...we ALL can judge for ourselves...

The aftermath of the revelation of the trump taxes...or non-payments...or ways of beating the system...has a huge impact on many...especially those who WERE on the fence...I found great humor in the forevers, who called out his ploys as 'smart business moves' not pay what you and I are?...c', what you are saying, is that YOU will pay, er make up, for what he is NOT PAYING?...YOU are as gullible as...well, he has got YOU right where he wants YOU...he's all YOURS...

We, down here in south SoCal, are about to hit another heat wave (Martha and the Vandellas) in the 100's in the where I play at golf...80ish in our the marina district...notice the fires in NoCal, where the Napa wineries are...egads, horrific ones...just hope we escape any down here...

The MLB playoffs kick off today...we are not til tomorrow...vs the Cardinals...these are best of 3 series...the burning query for us?...our top two SP are injured...or, are they?...GO PADRES!...

As I was perusing my 23 sources, one thing caught me eye...a hostage situation in Salem...usually, nationally, that refers to the city in Massachusetts...reading in depth, it is the one in Oregon!...'multiple deaths'...oh my...I have asked Snooki for info, as the article says in West info back yet...yes, here he is actually in East Salem...hmmm...speculations right now...

Snooki's song of the day...'One Thing Leads To Another' by the the fix is on in the NBA?...oh, right, a different thang altogether...he is referring to the debate...

Yes, starting maƱana, the bubble championship starts up in the NBA...I will watch this one...pulling for the Heat...BTW, the LaLa Lakers are HUGE favorites...acc to Vegas...gosh, I hope the reffing is good...ha ha...refs? know my fear of the Fixx...wait, now I am confused...

Started reading the book by Bob Woodward...'RAGE' wonder if the forevers, ever read this? just might have an impact on is such a great interesting and powerful READ...I planned on using a yellow hi-liter on it...but, there are too many things to do so....of all the books on this regime, I recommend this one the MOST!...

Last eve's NFL Monday niter...KC vs Balt...two of the better ones in the league...Mahomes, the QB, continues to amaze moi...but, 2 really really good teams...

Are you like this, too?...we order lots from Amazon...more than Tahget or Walmy...and we got this yesterday...a cleaner that, well, spilled out...all over the place...this is NOT a good thing...


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