Captain CHAOS!

90 minutes of HELL!
...what else might one call it? trump obliterated the rules of debate...often even arguing with the moderator, a FOX guy...'EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED' to borrow the phrase from Big Brother...bullying, badgering, belittling, interrupting, babbling on...this was his plan of 'attack' think that Chris Christie and Rudy Guliani did the prep work for him on this...the ultimate CHAOS!...they are proud?...or, did he just disregard what they said, and did what he wanted...make himself look like a FOOL!...listen he is what, 74?...going on 13....

His plan (now he has one)...was to get out that Biden was stupid...that his son, Hunter, was a cheat...even tho the questions weren't in that area...the response by Biden was presidential...'I am not going to talk about your kids, I could, but I won't go there' trump regurgitated on...deflected the direct query as to his $750 fed tax payments in his 1st 2 years of being in the White House...'I paid millions of dollars'...ah, when?...per usual, never of proof...another most disgusting of come backs 'if you were president Joe, the numbers of deaths by Covid would have been 2 million'...always deflecting...

Perhaps, the worst of the nite...gosh, there were many instances...but was when he was asked if he would  'order'  the white supremacy people, to back off...the idea that he could, is mind boggling in the first they are waiting for his 'orders'...does that bother, or scare you at all?...his response, to the 'Proud Boys' (who I have detailed about in a past blog). "to stand down and stand BY!"...which they took to heart and added that to their slogan...really...

The chaos ended when...the idea of 'accepting' the election trump called them fraudulent...kept babbling on and on and on...until they finally did what many thought they should have...often before...turned off his he kept up the notion that they would be wrong...and that it should go to the Supreme Court to not only verify the validity of the votes, but to name him the Supreme Commander...oh well, I have to end this...

Listen, all...there is no more reason for any more debates...the rules, were obliterated by trump...the ogre kept growling...let him speak at his revivals...they would be more accepting than the masses of the rest of the country...


Let it be know, other thangs were happening...perhaps, the worst...was two of the legendary singers passed...Mac Davis and Helen Ready...sad...

Snooki's song of the day...'Lies' by the Knickerbockers...dedicated to Orange...ah, I might add, Huge Orange...

Just noticed the time...I gotta run...

The mighty Padres play 1...and the Sheriff is on the mound...he is either good or bad...please be good!...and now...NO!...he was awful...and the Pads must regroup...our top two SP are OUT for the series...we are in dire straits...



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