Pitter Patter

Morning, kids...it's a golf day, so...we are going to talk with you about the things that have popped up...but, in a more brief form than usual...OK?...like a chit chat, er, babbling about...well, prattling...whatever ya'll want to call it...

The T in Ohio, turned into an OT!...the 3 dudes I mentioned in yesterday's blog were at the top...JT, Morikawa, and Hovland...the youngster, Collin Morikawa won it...as JT missed a couple of makable putts...did I ever tell ya how hard that game is?...unfortunately, it was on a delayed basis to watch...kind of made it not as exciting...

A couple of big bangs down on the bay, yesterday...as one of the US ships caught fire...21 aboard injured...'they' haven't released the reasons why to the bang...yet...selfishly, the wind was going south, so we didn't get any of the smoke downtown...

Watched a flick, via Apple TV +...yet another subscription cost...$6 a month?...something like that...cheaper (and safer) than going to a movie house...starred Tom Hanks as a Naval Capt...commandeering it during the 2nd WW...'Greyhound'...he is a great actor, and rarely misses...hey, even Marsh liked it...

Sad to see the passing of Kelly Preston...breast cancer...only 57...wife of John Travolta...a 2 year battle with the disease...I had no idea...

Today it is said that the NFL Washington 'Redskins' will retire that name...owner, D Snyder, once proudly boasted that he would NEVER change the name...never is over...I am hearing 'Red Wolves'...I dunno...also 'Red Tails'...we'll see...

Expect a flurry of accusations going the way of Dr Fauci...by the Huge Orange...as the good doctor has the audacity to disagree with Trump about the Covid severity...as per usual, in his odious method of discrediting people...will try to humiliate Fauci...in the public forum...

People...get real...do the social distancing!...I am seeing the break down of it...masks, too...do it...witnessed a debacle of that, down by our pool yesterday...good lord...

Snooki's song of the day...indeed is by the duo I mentioned yesterday...Skip and Flip...'Cherry Pie'...ah, there is a secret meaning to the song?...from that era?...I double dawg doubt it...but, I do like cherry pies...even the frozen ones...and this tune, too...

From France...a bus driver was beaten to death by a group of 4...that were asked to put masks on to enter the bus...July 5th...what is this world coming to?...

Staying in Europe...watched a show last night on the Neo Nazis in Germany....like right now...really really eerie...some wearing MAGA caps...ah what?...very unsettling...

BTW, still have no idea what the 'C' stands for at the Hilton by the Bay...BJ called, and their inbox was over flowed...so, ?...guesses, range from 'closed' to 'Covid'...what else might it be?...

I keep hearing rationale for starting back up schools in the fall...from the standpoints of the parental side, the business side, but NOT, by the teachers side...until there is a vaccine, a year of virtual schooling may be the best choice...do NOT rush in...

See you all on the web net...


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