Tuesday Treats

Guess who is about to celebrate it's 83rd birthday?...this upcoming Friday...OK, I gave you the teaser, already with the pix...yesssiree, Bob, it is Krispy Kreme...nostalgia now...bear with me (bare?)...when we took our annual trip to Maui...(noticed I said it in the past tense)...and landed at the Kahului Airport...we would immediately stop at their Costco for supplies...then do the same at the Krispy Kreme store...hmmm, yup, sweet treats for the vacay...I had no idea that they were gonna be 83 years in operation...

The Cali guv regressed and put a stoppage on many services...apparently, could not trust the people to self govern themselves...as the Covid numbers continue to rise...mostly inside stuff...wear your masks, people...social distance...cleanse your hands and face...repeat...often...and pray for a vaccine...soon...

LA and SD schools have already announced that this fall, will all be by virtual classes...totally opposite of what Huge Orange wants...and his puppet, Betsy Devoss...for a bloke who made a living off of reality shows, he sure doesn't live in one...how many more days to do we have of his reign?...

The mystery of the Hilton 'C'...nobody knows the answer, well, at this time...we get queried often...I don't know...for you unaware of what I am talking...it is on the Hilton at the Bay, here in San Diego...

Hungry for a new series to watch, we happened on 'Doctor Foster'...a Brit thang...they talk funny...ha ha...have seen 2 episodes thus far...predictable...but, am hoping for some twist...won't spoil it for ya, if ya'll are interested...Netflix...

Just as hungry for some news...the countless sources ran the renaming of the Washington Redskins as a lead item...I dunno, but I happened to leave out a letter, and it might be an appropriate name for them...the Red-sins...right...am hearing Redtails leads...

Snooki's song of the day...'True Love Ways' by Peter and Gordon...a cover of Buddy Holly's hit...as the PNW lad is gonna lead us down a duo path for awhile...good stuff, dude...we saw them out at Humphreys a few years back...shortly thereafter, Gordon Waller passed...his voice was haunting...so good...hauntingly good...there, that is better...

Just had to repost this pix of a comet out of the skies near Seattle...with the Space Needle in the foreground...wowser...yesterday...wild, huh...

The Mary Trump book is free to be released...ah, definitely not FREE...but, you know what I mean...Amazon for the Horse, and will have it soon...what she reveals, I will pay her some scratch for doing so...

A new term that has hit the social networks...for those who call the pandemic a hoax...refuse to wear a mask...ANYWHERE...and lambast anyone who gets in their path...COVIDIOTS!...I like it...

ESPN re-ran their Eagles concert in LA LA Land...last eve...I watched the beginning of it this time...as I caught it in mid-stream the other day...did you know that only ONE original is left in the group?...Don Henley...

A TMZ release...Kanye has got a 2% mark in the Prez poll...ah, 2 out of 100 Americans would vote for him?...name me one...

Finally, the thought of the day...the 1st execution in the last 17 years in the USA just occurred...right or wrong?...


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