Blimey, Mates

Try as I may, to give ya'll diversions to reality....there are things that just can't be ignored...that I have to talk about...yes, I could hammer the Covid home, like every single web site in the World...but, you read (hear and watch) all that, ALL the time anyway...disturbing as it is...BUT...the lack of preventative measures, are being ignored much too often...the numbers are rising...and the leaders are going back to closure...for sure, in Cali...specifically in San Diego County...c'mon people...

The other item is just getting LOUDER...the Russian payment of American Afghanistan...bounties...what era of time, are we in?...the depth of this, is that Trump may have known...the word 'may' is beyond disturbing...and, he did nothing about it...well, he 'may have done' nothing about it...he is saying that 'he knew nothing about it'...can you believe anything he says?...right...stay tuned to this, like I said in the beginning of the paragraph, it is just getting louder...the House Demos are going over to the White House this am...for clarity...

For the 'I can't make this stuff up' files...Orange let out, er, re-released a vid that had 'White Power' as a subtle reference...thing kept playing...for more than 3 he kept airing it...he did not know...well, he didn't correct he was on the golf course...yes, this was on his web site...

Have you seen the polls?....makes no diff where they are taken...they ALL are showing big margins for Joe Biden over Huge Orange...BIG...of course, Trump has tweeted that they are all fake polls...referring to those when he was opposing Hillary...these are different times, Donny...much different...

There are times, that I long for the quiet life of the suburbs...the house, with a yard...but, for some reason, as I was watching the city come alive...standing on me deck....peering out...listening to the sounds of the city...I felt great warmth...being above it all, and having a first rate of view...

Snooki's song of the day...'One Fine Day' by the he calls it as he sees it...this is number 8 on his chart...the song, is one of my all time favs...period...there was a fun film that had this as it's theme...starring Michelle Pfeiffer and George (Jorj) Clooney...find it and watch it, again...anyhoo, the Chiffons also had a couple of other great songs, 'Sweet Talking Guy' and 'He's So Fine'...good choice, laddie...

Speaking of music...sometimes I just can't watch the tele...too depressing...and I just turn on some get away...yup, vinyl...and sometimes, Pandora...and, Sirius XM...could be from Amazon, too...diversions...or, I could read my Bolton book...

The Bolton book...the take? after page, of 'how did this guy ever get into power?'...that Trump just blabbers on...loves to hear himself speak...quite often, incoherent garbage...that he knows very little after page...

This is the end of June Gloom...we sure have had our number of days, that this was true...but worse, is that we have to pay them damn bills...blimey, mates...a must do...


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