The Final Round
Out of the pack at the Travelers...Connecticut, ya'll...another leader in the club house, surpassing Lefty (drats!)...Brendon Todd...ah, who?...shot a cool 61, to emerge...the course is one, that the Pros thrive on, er, it's still up in the air, as to the victor...fingers crossed that Phil makes a charge...I believe that they are back to normal tee off was hot, too...
That Sahara dust storm that is traveling across the Atlantic, all the way to the eastern USA...can't imagine...does this have to do with global warming?...well, you Repubs, whatever it is called...supposed to hit today, right?...might it show up in Connecticut at the golf t?...and, yes, even though he said he was gonna stay in DC for the weekend...Orange found time to hit the links yesterday...does he ever say the truth?...
The polls are shocking!...Biden is leading everywhere...and I do mean EVERYWHERE!...just remember kids, get out and VOTE!...however you do it...assume nothing...
Snooki has a brand new bag of tricks...he is going to list his top 10 gals singing groups...most of these, are from the 60's...their biggest hit, or his know, I have a vinyl with that as a title, too...anyhoo, he is starting with The Dixie Cups with their hit 'Chapel Of Love'...'64...3 weeks as numero uno...yes, in today's political correctness, they would be The Cups...'going to the chapel and gonna get married...'...their other big hit?...'Iko Iko', remember it?...
The numbers of people getting the Covid are staggering...stay safe...double mask...wash your it...that's all I am reading about...the numbers...
Saw this vid from the Villages, of it reminded me of our place in Keizer, OR...where there were people 'parading' their own golf carts...decorated with Orange propaganda...and there were those who were protesting that...passionate is a retirement golf community...egads...ALL mask less...
Is the bounty on American soldiers in Afghanistan by Putin for real?...has it come down to this? should be held as much more precious than all of what we are seeing...
Try as we may, to find another thing to get into...on the pixels...the directors and producers, have resorted to more gore and extremism...rather than just good story lines...we last about 15-20 minutes in, and then...turn 'em off...
Orange just tweeted, 'Sleepy Joe is a low IQ person'...this from your Prez...can't he find something to do?...other than tweet?...
I just read this back...something 'bout nothing...ha ha...
That Sahara dust storm that is traveling across the Atlantic, all the way to the eastern USA...can't imagine...does this have to do with global warming?...well, you Repubs, whatever it is called...supposed to hit today, right?...might it show up in Connecticut at the golf t?...and, yes, even though he said he was gonna stay in DC for the weekend...Orange found time to hit the links yesterday...does he ever say the truth?...
The polls are shocking!...Biden is leading everywhere...and I do mean EVERYWHERE!...just remember kids, get out and VOTE!...however you do it...assume nothing...

The numbers of people getting the Covid are staggering...stay safe...double mask...wash your it...that's all I am reading about...the numbers...
Saw this vid from the Villages, of it reminded me of our place in Keizer, OR...where there were people 'parading' their own golf carts...decorated with Orange propaganda...and there were those who were protesting that...passionate is a retirement golf community...egads...ALL mask less...
Is the bounty on American soldiers in Afghanistan by Putin for real?...has it come down to this? should be held as much more precious than all of what we are seeing...
Try as we may, to find another thing to get into...on the pixels...the directors and producers, have resorted to more gore and extremism...rather than just good story lines...we last about 15-20 minutes in, and then...turn 'em off...
Orange just tweeted, 'Sleepy Joe is a low IQ person'...this from your Prez...can't he find something to do?...other than tweet?...
I just read this back...something 'bout nothing...ha ha...