The Orange Rally

I keep hearing that there will be a rally...that Huge Orange is going to get his yah yahs out...just like before the pandemic set in...where he rants, raves, and bellows out his pestilent words...accusing the Demos, or whomever is in his way, of bad know the drill...the amazing thing, is that there are people who will actually SHOW UP!...listen, kids...there is no vaccine, yet...does he not know? they not know?...c'mon, people...yet, it is is to be tomorrow (now, I am hearing a week from tomorrow, the 19th) Tulsa, Oklahoma...there is some timing to this, too...history...I keep hoping to hear that it will be postponed...

Maybe there is some tie in to the masses in the protests...the lack of 'social distancing' was extreme the past 10 days or so...doesn't make it right, for, he must think it is OK...good lord...

Did you see the debacle in the voting process in Georgia?...lines of cars, and people...awaiting to get into the voting area...why oh why, we are not all in the mail vote scheme?...somehow, this lack of it, favors the Repubs?...c'mon...

It is said to be...that Donny does his own Tweets...that all the misspelling comes from number that not an indicator of something?...ha ha...actually, it is quite sad...I thought he told us he was a genius?...

In beisbol, the MLB draft of round 1 was yesterday...the Padres selected twice...and chose a couple of high school JUST graduated...that is looking into the future, as it will take at least 3 seasons to get them into the least...not like in football or hoops, where they will play right away on the top level...

The PGA begins today....Colonial...Tiger is not in...but, pretty much every one else is...The Who's who of the fans...ah, hear me, Donny? they dealing with the caddie thang?...carry their own bags?...back to normal?...I dunno...

Snooki's cover battle of the day...'I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry' by BJ Thomas, or Hank Williams, or Elvis Presley, and Sara Evans...he chose Elvis as the best version...depends on your mood, but Hank wrote it...I favor him...they were all good, tho...I feel strongly on all of them...ha ha...

We got to hit the beach was fantastic! warm, as was the water...the 'social distancing' was followed...and the day was well worth it...and more...the pool at our condo is opening up tomorrow...we have more than an hour...must sign up...which we did...hope they turned on the heat on the DO KNOW, we have been paying full fair on our homeowner's dues...all this time, that the amenities have been shuttered...doesn't seem they should give us a rebate or something...fat chance...

Wooah, with all the protesting on 'Black Lives Matter' and the fallout...the station A&E has canceled 'Live PD' they have some raw footage that doesn't show some cops in the right they said...also, the show 'COPS' has been canceled...'wacha gonna do...'...that has been airing for like 30 years...really?...

What is going in Seattle?...anarchy?...the protestors have taken over the Mayor's office?...I have no idea...just hearing bit and pieces of the situation...did read that Donny is offering to send in troops...say what?...anyone out there know?...

Remember when the rage...was terrariums?...we had some...they were cool...why did the fad go away?...


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