New Hampshire

I thought that it would be a great time for us all to learn a little bit about the state that is gaining a lot of attention today...where the primaries are being held for the 2020 election...New Hampshire...has about 1,4 million people the upper northeastern part of our great all states, they have a name, er slogan, that is their thing...'The Granite State'...the capitol city is Concord...and for some reason, the Merrimack River has some recognition factor for moi...not sure some flick? was one of the original 13 colonies that rebelled against the British the American Revolution did it's is an extremely 'white' state, when it comes to race...94%...wooah, is that number correct?...apparently so, using the 2010 census bureau...

The Gallup poll in 2016 had New Hampshire as the least religious state in the USA...what?...and...the median household money making at $75,000 per year....the 4th highest in the Nation... there is no sales tax and no personal income tax...say what?...they are a very frugal state, over 1/2 of their heating is done by fuel oil...they have the 8th highest number of millionaire the country...6.5%...and, it is the home of the prestigious Dartmouth College...

The voting system is kind of weird...witness to what Donny was getting at in one of his rallies...there are a number of people that do not declare what party they are, they could vote either way in the, he said, 'vote for the worst Democrat'...speaking to the non-committed...that is, before the general election...understand?...odd stuff...

New Hampshire usually votes Republican...with the background I have given you, it might make sense...there are exceptions, as they did vote for LBJ back there you go...the polls in part of the state opened at midnight...the voting is going on...already...what do you think?...

The 'polls' have Bernie the leader...with Biden 2nd...and get this, Bloomberg third...early stuff...but, one thing that shouldn't be left out in your that Eliz Warren just may be hitting the wall...I dunno...just a this state going to recognize Amy?...c'mon...


Phillip Rivers, the long time QB of the no longer one of the Bolts...the club and he agreed to part ways...this is official...well, he moved to Florida earlier in the year...already...tough, durable, and the brains of the team for purnt near 20 seasons...listen, kids...this team and it's ownership is a mess...and the league should step in and demand them to sell...

Watched the pundits have a field day on Lefty, in his results to the final round in Pebble...OMG!...give that a was horrific playing conditions...and only one contender could survive...he will move on just fine...lord...

The Bachelor...some times it just gets to Pilot Pete... too much to handle...are you following this?...he has his Final 4...something about that sounds way wack...but, the gal that thought she was a shu the heave the tuff part for PP...meeting the parents...'yea, I love them all'...wait, no...'your daughter is the best'...maybe...ha ha...

Roger Stone...yup, about to be sentenced to prison...maybe 7 years plus....but...Donny let out a smidgeon of news...'he can not allow this miscarriage of justice to happen' KNOW what that his world of rule...

The ONE day total of deaths in China due to the coronavirus...103...that is showing that is growing...oh my...

Who's leading the Republican side?...


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