The Here and Now

Breaking news...the 'whistleblower' is reported to be a CIA Agent, assigned to the White House...ah, this is according to Google News...

Morning all...the electricity of the Congress at you feel it?...many may be dismayed...others will find it invigorating and fascinating...I am of the latter...the issue at hand, is the impeachment of a sitting the polarized parties, hash out what is at their hands...and eyes and ears...I wonder how many of them react to what their constituents are saying to them?...or, just continuing on their party lines?...again, I think the latter...

Pictured is the (acting) Director of National Intelligence...Joseph on the House floor...think he is rethinking his acceptance of the job?...

The last week has been the House of Reps have a 'whistleblower report' to scan and figure out...well, we all has been all over the web net this am....did you read what they put out?...yup, the Horse did...the 9 pages...I have to say this...their are redactions in it...of course...which will always bring up the thought of, what are the hidden items?...BTW, when did you ever come across the word 'redactions' before the past 6 months?...

Trump has let out his flurry of Tweets and statements...trying his best to cloud the issue at hand...the Here and Now...belittling the moment that is certainly not....doing his thing...blurting out that Nancy Pelosi is no longer the leader of the House...'these are all lies'...'this is a joke'...'presidential harassment'...'fake news'...c'mon, more of the same...'witch hunt'...ah, no, a Trump hunt...

Which brings me to the point of...if a president can ask for help from a foreign seek out information from them, to use against an opponent...then, are there no laws in the country that we have, that pertain to him?...really, kids, this is the question...

Republican or Democrat...this president or the next...or thereafter...


I can't recall ever before Trump, that when we arise out here in the west...on a daily basis, we have information that flies right in our faces...that bewilders me, at least...every single day...

The series that Ken Burns has done on 'Country Music'...since its inception...playing on not only informative but extremely entertaining....fascinating...the music and pictures are extraordinary...another one of those must the Horse ( and Gary L)...

I ask you to do this...look at the Here and you watch the House at work...

Da Da, Da Da, Da Da...


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