The Plot Thickens

Nothing like the smell of hotcakes in the morning...the beauty of living where we the trendy breakfast spot in the Gaslamp District, Richard Walker's Pancake House, is on the street level of the, the reality, we are in the Marina District...a few blocks away from the fabled, just for generality sake, I use the GQ...easier for folks to find and recognize...and yes, oh by the way, the food is awesome and a must do while in the city...

There are so many times that I am surprised by whom actually read me blog...a lady friend came up to moi last eve, and said that she does...not every time, but it dependeth on the title I give for the day....hmmm, interesting...I need to be more creative, I reckon...gets a bit hard to do, when I write most every day...but, I will give it the old post collegiate try...

The plot thickens...rumor mill from within the White House...why do the leaks appear so very often, anyway?...this trust thing, is harder and harder to control it appears...that Trump is nearly going ballistic...and the brain trust, wait, there is one?...has great fear he is going to go off and say and Tweet things that may just damn himself...naw, not this guy...

The special envoy to the Ukraine, Trumps' own guy, Kurt Volker, has resigned his position...ah, what?...does that mean, he has gone rogue?....geez, that term went into being common place when way back when Sarah Palin was the VP candy woman for McCain...'she went rogue'...ha ha...true, tho....back to the point...does this mean that Volker, when subpoenaed to Congress will spill his guts?...oops, talk?...or does it mean nothing?....toe the line of most of the Trump people and read a prepared statement that 'he will divulge nada'....

The weekend in DC is those in the power are meeting up to schedule who needs to sit on the Congressional floor this next week....will those who may be called...might they ignore the subpoena? per request of Trump...can they do that?...doesn't seem right...there must be a's all very confusing to me...

But, relax friends...we have the college football to take up our time...drats, my Aztecs and Ducks have byes this, I turn elsewhere for interest...Stanford (fresh off a UO loss) at the Beavs...4 1/2 point fav (now 3!)...hmmm....chance for OSU?...Rutgers at Michigan...where a loss by the Wolverines, spells D-O-O-M for HC Harbaugh....USC at the Dawgs...what's the weather to be?...Ohio St at Nebraska...slight interest...are the Buckeyes really that good?...I fear yes...WSU at Utah...which could be the donnybrook of the night...

Oh, and for you who are still following the mighty Padres...they got whupped in Zona...2 games to go, and the season is finis...90 losses again...egads...and for the final time...the team is switching their colors back to...brown...the mighty Padres...

Hey, that hotcake thing sounds like a plan...


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