Feeling Stronger

Hey, out there in the great fresh air of the United States of America...this week just keeps right on a chugging along...if you are a political junkie, then this is YOUR week...as we decipher this days givings...of course, the Horse has some curious points...ah, to talk about...regardless if you are with him, or again him...so to speak...

The phone call...some say (well, Donny does) it was the perfect call...to the Ukraine President...you know the story by now...and the subsequent 'whistleblower' report...made by, well, the identity is under protection...which in itself is mighty inquisitive...as, it appears that nothing is protected...unless, you are speaking in behalf of the present inhabitant of the White House...who allows you, or them, to plead the 5th...or carry a piece of paper that says they will not, cuz the Prez said to...not talk...I digress...

The day after, the VERY day after...Mueller stood on the Congressional floor and didn't talk...as he announced that he wouldn't add anything to what he already wrote in HIS report...that day after...was the day that Donny made his call to the Ukraine Prez...I would surmise that he felt that he was invincible...he could do whatever...as nothing came out of the Mueller report that implicated him....'no collusion'...'no nothing'...'all a hoax'...

So he continued whatever he wanted...which was dirt on the Demo front runner that he was going to face in 2020...Joe Biden...asked the Ukrainian for a favor...and, had a way to do so...if their country wanted to get the massive amount of money in aide...another of these phrases that come out, that most people have no clue to the meaning of...QUID PRO QUO...which is a Latin term for something for something...

Trump felt that he had the power to use it...he now knew that his 'executive privilege' was absolute...and apparently, rampant...however, a problem arose...and that was the people that oversee his actions...those around him...as he calls them 'almost spies'...from where the 'whistleblower' report...emerged...the Mueller Report was back when he was running for Prez...this was when he WAS Prez...which is why I wrote yesterday...about the Here and Now...

What happens next will be an attempt at a 'cover up'...having his people disregard subpoenas...some will resign...some will be fired...he will create a smoke screen...as many as he needs...

But. the votes are there, kids...well over the amount needed in the House...Trump WILL be impeached...and the results will be thrown over to the Senate to convict and remove him from office...to be clear, that finality is a very long shot...but the procedure is not...in the House it takes a simple majority to impeach...that is, by one vote...the Senate's vote, has to be two thirds...

The process...is what we will be seeing...our government at work...and this I find, fascinating..

I think back to two years ago, when I thought of when the Republican Congressionals...had their weekend parties...drinking their scotch and bourbon, neat, of course....saying, 'just what the Hell have we gotten in to?'...

I will see ya'll in the morning...


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