Post Debate
As per usual, the Horse had the time wrong on the commencing hour of the Demo debate...had the pixels on CNN, and then realized...the bloody thing was airing...right then...on ABC! not use me as your source of setting up your DVR, apparently...well, we got to hear plenty of talk, is MY take on it...listen, kids, it's just an opinion...there are many out there...
There are those who have said it was a 10 person TIE!...ah, no...not so...the debaters are all fine people, so it seems...with a singular vision of being the new boss of the rally the rest of the non-Trumpsters that exist in every corner of our great country...BUT, that is the issue for moi...beating could make a case for every one of the ten, yes...even, the bad boy of the night, Castro...all of them...
Plans, loads of plans...'my plan is...'...sure...where is the money going to come from? the very rich...OK...there is this thing about winning back the Senate...regaining control of do so, there must be a united front of the Demos...who will the public buy into?...I'm telling you nothing that you don't already know...I reckon...the leadership is a MUST!...
Who, of those ten...then measures up? get where we want to go, we have to beat the bloody incumbent...and lord knows, he has no filter...will bully, belittle, badger, and disgrace anyone he comes into 'battle' with...yes, who can withstand this onslaught of negativity?...will take someone mighty special...
THAT is what I am looking for...that person that can be strong enough to weather the so called 'right'...and, like I have said before...I am waiting for the 'break through' moment...that tells me, 'he or she is THE ONE!...nope, I haven't get that yet...
However, there were some very interesting takes...kind of 'can he or she make a good VP?'...Beto came out strong on what I deem a very needed gun control fervor...he needed to make a splash...done...Mayor Pete was wistful in his verbiage...and youthful...with wisdom...and Yang, has a ballistic sudden following on the web net...hmmm...still...that is not the TOP SPOT...
I saw the first USA Olympic guys hoop team play way back was an honor to be on the squad...and they were terrifying to play against...not so for the team anymore...the cash that the players make, or can make, makes them choose to pass on representing the's all about the money, kids...
While the aforementioned debate was going on....the Apprentice went into what he has called 'the rat infested city of Baltimore' to make a speech to his my knowledge, nobody carried it...even Fox News...ha ha...the line of the night for him, 'the country will go to Hell if any of those people win the presidency...'...he should know...
From the 'I can't make this stuff up' files...Donny claims that energy efficient light bulbs make him look, he wants to go back to the original type of bulbs...
Texas State rep...Briscoe Cain...after hearing the debate claim of Beto, actually went to threat mongering, 'my AR is Ready For You'....this needs to be addressed quickly...
Time for some REAL heat...and the Doobies...
There are those who have said it was a 10 person TIE!...ah, no...not so...the debaters are all fine people, so it seems...with a singular vision of being the new boss of the rally the rest of the non-Trumpsters that exist in every corner of our great country...BUT, that is the issue for moi...beating could make a case for every one of the ten, yes...even, the bad boy of the night, Castro...all of them...
Plans, loads of plans...'my plan is...'...sure...where is the money going to come from? the very rich...OK...there is this thing about winning back the Senate...regaining control of do so, there must be a united front of the Demos...who will the public buy into?...I'm telling you nothing that you don't already know...I reckon...the leadership is a MUST!...
Who, of those ten...then measures up? get where we want to go, we have to beat the bloody incumbent...and lord knows, he has no filter...will bully, belittle, badger, and disgrace anyone he comes into 'battle' with...yes, who can withstand this onslaught of negativity?...will take someone mighty special...
THAT is what I am looking for...that person that can be strong enough to weather the so called 'right'...and, like I have said before...I am waiting for the 'break through' moment...that tells me, 'he or she is THE ONE!...nope, I haven't get that yet...
However, there were some very interesting takes...kind of 'can he or she make a good VP?'...Beto came out strong on what I deem a very needed gun control fervor...he needed to make a splash...done...Mayor Pete was wistful in his verbiage...and youthful...with wisdom...and Yang, has a ballistic sudden following on the web net...hmmm...still...that is not the TOP SPOT...
I saw the first USA Olympic guys hoop team play way back was an honor to be on the squad...and they were terrifying to play against...not so for the team anymore...the cash that the players make, or can make, makes them choose to pass on representing the's all about the money, kids...
While the aforementioned debate was going on....the Apprentice went into what he has called 'the rat infested city of Baltimore' to make a speech to his my knowledge, nobody carried it...even Fox News...ha ha...the line of the night for him, 'the country will go to Hell if any of those people win the presidency...'...he should know...
From the 'I can't make this stuff up' files...Donny claims that energy efficient light bulbs make him look, he wants to go back to the original type of bulbs...
Texas State rep...Briscoe Cain...after hearing the debate claim of Beto, actually went to threat mongering, 'my AR is Ready For You'....this needs to be addressed quickly...
Time for some REAL heat...and the Doobies...