The grieving...the aftermath...the funerals...and those who will be injured forever...physically and mentally...emotionally...goes on and on...and in the space of time, there comes the need of this show his face...bellow out his 'thoughts and prayers' those inflicted areas of Dayton, Ohio, and El Paso, Texas...
There is hatred...towards the killers...tied into the rhetoric that is rampant from this present inhabit of the White House...the crowds of the masses...are in those is apparent that Trump will NOT face the people...he will be behind closed doors...terrified of what is in the streets...passionate Americans...
All the while, he has watched his Democratic opponents...made note of what they have been saying about him...Tweeting rebuttals...sure, while he is on his grieving plane trip...just what do we have here?...some one that just doesn't get it...I am ashamed and embarrassed of and for him...
He is about to touch down in El Paso now...nobody knows what his plan may be...but, a probable is that he will stay out of the public eye...listen, kids...this massacre was different than the one in Ohio...this one has direct attributions to White supremacy...
A sidelight...and maybe something you might do, too...we went to a concert last nite...and while there...I cased the site, to see where the exits were...just in case...just in case...
I will close today with a sigh...shrugging of my shoulders...and hope that there is a groundswell in the area of gun control...throughout the Nation...maybe I am just dreaming...
There is hatred...towards the killers...tied into the rhetoric that is rampant from this present inhabit of the White House...the crowds of the masses...are in those is apparent that Trump will NOT face the people...he will be behind closed doors...terrified of what is in the streets...passionate Americans...
All the while, he has watched his Democratic opponents...made note of what they have been saying about him...Tweeting rebuttals...sure, while he is on his grieving plane trip...just what do we have here?...some one that just doesn't get it...I am ashamed and embarrassed of and for him...
He is about to touch down in El Paso now...nobody knows what his plan may be...but, a probable is that he will stay out of the public eye...listen, kids...this massacre was different than the one in Ohio...this one has direct attributions to White supremacy...
A sidelight...and maybe something you might do, too...we went to a concert last nite...and while there...I cased the site, to see where the exits were...just in case...just in case...
I will close today with a sigh...shrugging of my shoulders...and hope that there is a groundswell in the area of gun control...throughout the Nation...maybe I am just dreaming...